Natural Remedies for Leprosy

4 minutes • 718 words
Leprosy comes about when 7 elements of the body are defective:
- Chyle
- Blood
- Flesh
- Fat
- Bone
- Marrow
- Shukra
Leprosy has 3 stages.
Stage 1
The patient starts getting a feeling of discomfort all over the body, suffers from pain in the joints, and feels feverish at odd times.
Often he or she suffers from headaches, and sometimes sweats profusely, sometimes not at all. He or she also suffers from general debility.
Stage 2
- a piercing pain throughout the nervous system
- small pimples come out on different parts of the body off and on
- the hair of the head and eyebrows falls out
- parts of the lips, cheeks, nose and eyes become sunken or swollen
- various parts of the arms and legs also get swollen.
While walking the patient sometimes feels as if some hard objects are lodging in the soles of the feet. In colloquial language this stage of the disease is called “plum-stone disease,” that is, the patient feels as if plum-stones are getting lodged in the soles.
Stage 3
- Circular red spots appear on different parts of the body and gradually those places become numb.
The blood becomes very weak when the following are lacking for many days:
- nutritious food
- green vegetables
- milk, ghee and other fatty substances
Leprosy develops if this condition continues for a long period and the person continues to:
- eat foods which cause dysentery or constipation, or
- eats a large quantity of:
- spoiled fish, meat, snails or shell-fish
- biláti
- diḿle or súryi pumpkin
- jhiḿge or white eggplant
When the blood is contaminated, all the organs of the body become weak afterwards. And so, the remaining 6 elements of the body gradually get contaminated after the blood is contaminated.
As a result of this disturbance of the 7 elements of the body, the person’s immune system loses its strength.
If in the long and bitter struggle which ensues between the white blood cells and the leprosy bacteria, the fat, flesh, blood and chyle of the body become spent, the extremities of the body will also become loosened and start falling off as a final result.
The patient must strictly avoid all non-vegetarian food. All sorts of nutritious vegetarian food should be eaten if the condition of the liver allows.
Ghee, butter, or olive oil should be an item of the daily menu.
The patient should:
- drink a large quantity of water (around 4-5 seers a day, but not much at a time), and
- observe the rules of fasting.
Dos and don’ts
Taking sun-baths is a must for every leprosy patient. Taking a dip-bath after applying river mud all over the body is desirable.
As far as possible, the patient should live on fruits and roots, milk and vegetable soups.
He or she should not succumb to eating out of greed. Crowds, too much food, intoxicants and sexual relations should be strictly avoided.
Generally leprosy is not a contagious disease, so it cannot be contracted simply by touching the secretions or blood of a patient.
Unless the secretions or blood of a patient get some chance to mingle with the blood of a healthy person, or the leprosy bacteria enter a healthy person’s stomach from a patient’s leftover food or breath, there is no chance of the disease spreading.
Leprosy is mainly a disease of the poor. Unless the masses are provided with sufficient nutritious food, the spread of the disease among them cannot be totally checked.
For a patient, any of the following should be eaten everyday:
- the fruit or leaves of ucche
- bitter gourd (Momordica charantia Linn.)
- paltá
- neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss.)
- leaves, flowers, or stems of shobháiṋjana
Heleiṋcá, gimá, bráhmii or some other leafy vegetable should also be taken daily.
The disease can be cured by licking a little myrobalan powder with raw sugar every day
Leprosy can be conquered by taking gulaiṋca extract daily after eating three to five myrobalan seeds; or
Drinking extracts of neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss.) bark mixed with paltá extracts
Good results can also be obtained by covering the diseased area with a poultice of neem leaves
Also by drinking and digesting gulaiṋca extracts, then eating rice with ghee
One can get rid of the disease by drinking some cow’s urine with turmeric every day at dawn for one month.