Natural Remedies for Kidney Stones

3 minutes • 438 words
Table of contents
Symptoms of Kidney Stones
- Difficulty in urinating
- Passing of urine drop by drop instead of in a flow
- Stoppage of urine
- Blood in urine, etc.
Causes of Kidney Stones
The kidneys are located one on each side of the body, just below the liver and the spleen. When the liver, busy in its manifold duties, is not entirely capable of doing its job of purifying the blood, the remaining work is taken up by the kidneys.
The kidneys, after filtering out the wastes and impurities and surplus water of the body, supply pure blood to nourish the body. The surplus water and waste materials are then accumulated in the collecting system of the kidneys and from there are passed on to the bladder. Ultimately these waste fluids are expelled from the body through the urinary tract as urine.
If the acid content of the blood becomes excessive or if the blood suffers from other poisonous contaminations, this upsets the heart, liver and kidneys. The harm may be so great that the heart becomes incapable even of exerting sufficient pressure to keep the blood circulating unobstructed through the blood vessels.
If this continues for some time, the waste materials in the urine (accumulated naturally in the collecting system of the kidneys and in the urinary bladder) become high relative to the surplus water found there.
When that urine becomes sedimented, the waste materials start crystallizing. These crystals or stones can occur in different sizes and kinds.
During urination, these stones blocks the natural flow of urine. In that situation, the organs try to eject these stones from the kidneys to assure the flow of urine.
This very effort of the organs is very painful for the patient. So wherever urine containing such impurities gets a chance to settle, the impurities crystallize and form kidney stones.
Treatment, diet and dos and don’ts for Kidney Stones
Same as for gall-stones.
Remedies for Kidney Stones
- Urinary trouble will be eased by soaking 2 tolas of linseed or kuláttha kalái overnight in 1/8 seer of hot water and drinking it in the morning; or
- By drinking 2 tolas of the juice of pátharkuci leaves with water.
With this disease also, the patient must consume a great amount of water, and use plenty of lemon, and should never fast without water. The more one can fast on water and lemon juice, the better.
Boil milk with a myrobalan seed and drink the milk after removing the seed; or mix myrobalan, muthá, lodhá and banyan fruits in equal quantity and drink 2 tolas of their extract. This will yield good results within a short time.