Natural Treatment for Female Sterility And Infertility

4 minutes • 703 words
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Symptoms of Female Sterility And Infertility
- A woman between the 16 and 35 being unable to conceive in spite of having sex
But often it is caused by the sterility of the male partner.
Causes of Female Sterility And Infertility
- The ova, produced in the ovaries, pass through the Fallopian tubes to reach the uterus.
When the Fallopian tubes are weak, diseased, or blocked by contaminated matter, the ova either fail to reach the uterus or die on the way. Consequently, conception cannot take place even if living spermatozoa are present in the uterus.
The ovaries, the ova-producing organs, are situated a little above the groin on either side. Due to lack of physical labour, anaemia, physical debility or any other physical defect, or any congenital defect, the ovaries may not be able to produce ova, or only overly-weak ones. When this takes place, women will be sterile or give birth to still-born babies.
In the case of women who are very bad-tempered, that is, dominated by the váyu or pitta factor a little of the pitta can enter the uterus and be stored there. This poisonous pitta kills the sperm and destroys the chance of conception.
Excess body fat can cause the female genitals to become somewhat misshapen. As a result, the sperm cannot reach their destination and conception cannot take place. To such women intercourse becomes frustrating, and their sexual dissatisfaction makes them both over-desirous and quarrelsome, and destroys the peace of their domestic life.
Excessive intercourse makes the nervous system of the lower portion of the body weak and insensitive, and conception cannot take place. For just this reason, prostitutes are generally infertile.
Excessive acidity of the body, many a time, does not allow the foetus to draw the fluids or blood necessary for its development, so the foetus dies a premature death; that is, the woman tends to have still-births. Women who are excessively fond of eating non-vegetarian food but do not undertake adequate physical labour suffer from over-acidity of the blood.
Those males who develop the unnatural habit of wasting their semen excessively before they attain the age of twenty-five or twenty-six tend to lose their capacity to produce healthy sperm. The sperm of such persons cannot produce an embryo.
In the case of males who, even after attaining adulthood, live intemperately, the testes cannot produce healthy sperm; in this case also conception cannot take place.
If a male suffers from excessive pitta secretion, that pitta destroys the ova in the uterus and does not allow any embryo to be formed.
If the spermatic duct becomes diseased, weak, hardened or full of impurities, then a person becomes infertile, and conception cannot take place.
Treatment of Female Sterility And Infertility
One particular remedy cannot be applied in all cases.
The original defect in the male or female which has caused the sterility should be treated properly. Removing the defect or defects will bring good results with the sterility.
Inability to bear a second child, after bearing one, should be treated in just the same manner.
Many people think that infertility can occur due to leucorrhoea or displacement of the uterus. But this impression is not entirely correct.
Because even during such conditions the link between the ovaries and the uterus through the Fallopian tubes remains unaffected. But it is true that, if these diseases are present, the chance of still-births is greater. If the testes of the male or the ovaries of the female are underdeveloped for congenital reasons, that type of sterility if very difficult to cure.
Very often the opening of the vagina becomes flaccid or stretched, and the vagina almost protrudes. In such cases, for good results in a short time, patients should take Vyápaka Snána regularly and perform Utkśepa Mudrá, Yogamudrá, Diirgha Prańáma and Bhújauṋgásana.
Whatever the reason for sterility or infertility, taking Vyápaka Shaoca is very beneficial.
Diets and dos and don’ts for Female Sterility And Infertility
The diet and the dos and don’ts are the same as for abnormal menstruation.
Remedy for Female Sterility And Infertility
- A pregnant woman can avoid miscarriage if an entire root of white apámárga plant or a root of white aparájitá plant is worn around the patient’s waist.