Diet for Goiter and Chronic Gland Swelling

3 minutes • 525 words
Table of contents
Symptoms of Goiter
- Inflammation of different glands and their surrounding areas
- Simultaneous throbbing pain
- This does not mean that pain will accompany the swelling in every case. In chronic cases it is natural for there to be no pain.
- Occasional fever
- Aggravation of the swelling during the fever
Causes of Goiter
- The liver and the spleen become weak due to chronic fever.
As a result, the immune defenses of the blood and lymph become diminished.
When this happens, the glands of the body do not get the necessary support from them.
The glands which are neglected most have to strain to continue their activity.
Because of this over-exertion, the glands start swelling and enlarging.
- Lack of iodine in the food causes those glands which need iodine to become weak.
In that condition they eventually become swollen.
- Deficiency in shukra.
Shukra is the last-derived of all the bodily elements.
Due to the wasteful discharge of semen, all the glands lose their vitality, because it is the shukra which helps the glands stay strong and healthy.
Some of the important glands need shukra and iodine more than others.
Therefore, any deficiency is more detrimental to them.
The thyroid gland of the throat is one such gland, so it easily succumbs to attack for any of the causes mentioned above.
The two main supporting arteries of the thyroid, named “manya,” also become incapable of carrying out their normal functions and start swelling.
As a consequence, the whole region starts swelling and enlarging.
The name of this disease is “goitre.” This type of swelling may also occur at the base of the ears, in the armpits and in the groin.
Morning | Evening |
Utkśepa Mudrá | Sarváuṋgásana |
Karmásana | Matsyamudrá |
Ud́d́ayana Mudrá | Agnisára Mudrá |
Mayúrásana | Matsyendrásana |
Bandhatraya Yoga Mudrá | |
Práńáyáma concentrating on the controlling point of the relevant glands |
The patient has to observe carefully the procedures for sun-bathing, drinking water and fasting (see Appendix.)
Diet of Goiter
With this disease, iodine-containing foods such as milk and fruit should be taken in sufficient quantity. The best foods are:
- bananas
- papayas
- pineapples
- oranges
- tangerines
- jám
- tomatoes
The patient must also pay careful attention to the regular clearance of the bowels.
Dos and don’ts of Goiter
This disease is common in the interior part of a country than on the sea-coast.
The patient should go to some sea-coast for a change of air since there is a lot of iodine in sea water and the air near the coast is full of iodine.
Excessive seminal loss in males may cause the thyroid gland to swell, so one should be careful to preserve one’s semen.
Women who have given birth to many children, or who are having menstrual trouble, especially excessive bleeding, or who have breast-fed their children excessively, may also be affected by swelling of the thyroid gland.
There is not much to fear if the swelling has only been present for a short time, because taking precautionary measures in the preliminary stage will keep this disease from becoming incurable.
But if the disease persists and turns chronic, the above-mentioned dos and don’ts will have to be faithfully observed for a long period.