Natural Remedies for Gall Stones

3 minutes • 465 words
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Symptoms of Gall-Stones
During stone formation:
- Pain on the right side of the navel region while eating
- Nausea after eating, and getting some relief after vomiting.
During chronic cases:
- loss of appetite
- physical debility
Causes of Gall-Stones
The liver:
- secretes bile
- transforms chyle into blood
- purifies the the blood
The bile secreted from the liver is first stored in the gall-bladder and then is sent to the stomach and to the upper intestine.
The impurities of the blood and the chyle are also sent into the stomach along with bile. From there, they pass through the intestine into the rectum and are emitted from the body as waste.
If the impurities are too great in proportion to the chyle and the blood, especially if the acids are too great, these things are carried with the bile into the gallbladder in very large quantity.
When the bile settles in the gall bladder, these impurities accumulate in a condensed form and gradually crystallize.
In this way, stones of different sizes and shapes are formed in the gall-bladder. When, after a meal, those stones block the bile-duct, the body’s organs apply great force to push the stones out into the stomach or intestine. This application of force causes pain.
In the first stage of the disease, the body’s organs can succeed in pushing out the stones in this way, but when the disease turns into a chronic one and the organs become weak, or the stones grow larger in size, it is no longer possible to push them out. This chronic state of the disease is truly fatal for the patient.
Diet for Gall-Stones
Intoxicants, non-vegetarian food, ghee and foods that may cause constipation should be strictly forsaken.
The patient should:
- drink plenty of water, about four or five seers a day,
- fast on Ekádashii, Amávasyá and Púrńimá on water and lemon juice.
Whenever the disease is particularly bad, the patient should take nothing but lemon-water. Fasting without water is strictly forbidden with this disease.
Dos and don’ts for Gall-Stones
The more rest that the liver, gets the better. So fruit juice and alkaline foods are best for gall-bladder patients.
The patient must also be sure to do sufficient physical labour, because gall-stones are the disease of the affluent. They are especially prevalent among rich housewives.
With this disease, lemons are both food and medicine.
Remedies for Gall-Stones
- Boil a myrobalan seed in cow’s milk, then throw the seed away and drink the milk; or
- Take equal quantities of myrobalan, muthá, lodhá and banyan fruits, mix them together and extract their juice. Take two tolas of the juice regularly.
These remedies will bring good results. The latter remedy can be used for diabetes also. The above medicines should be taken on an empty stomach early in the morning.