Natural Remedies for Elephantiasis

2 minutes • 383 words
- Swelling of the legs, sometimes it attacks the arms too. The legs will grow to resemble those of elephants
- gradual thickening and wrinkling of the skin
- intermittent fever
- throbbing pain
By the side of the arteries there is another system of vessels called shukrabahá náŕii which carry shukra, the most essential element of the body, to various body parts.
This shukra maintains the vitality of the nervous system, cells and glands.
These shukrabahá náŕii supply shukra to the sperm-producing or ova-producing glands, and with the help of the spermatozoa or ova-produced in those glands, help to maintain the immune power and the body itself.
If, due to constipation, too much pitta in the body, over-acidity, excessive seminal discharge, or malnutrition, or due to a woman’s giving birth to many children, the person’s blood has lost its vigour or become contaminated, then a certain type of microbe starts breeding in it.
When these microbes either the shukrabahá náŕii and get a chance to settle there, they obstruct the flow of shukra and cause the vessels to swell. This swelling of the shukrabahá náŕii takes the form of elephantiasis.
Patients should properly follow the rules for bathing, drinking water and sun-bathing.
All kinds of nutritious food can be eaten if the condition of the liver permits. All kinds of fruits and roots, especially sour fruits, are good with this disease. Patients should observe fast on Ekádashii, Púrńimá and Amávasyá days.
Dos and don’ts
Doing regular physical labour and control of diet and thought are essential for elephantiasis patients. Leaves of heleiṋcá and punarnavá are most beneficial in this disease.
Patients should keep the diseased limbs wrapped in flannel cloth. Before retiring to bed, put a hot flannel compress on the diseased limbs. Good results are also obtained by keeping the affected limbs wrapped in kadam leaves, or, before retiring to bed for the night, wrapping the limbs in a bandage soaked in water mixed with ammonium chloride.
- Very early in the morning take 1 spoonful of sesame oil or pure mustard oil, mixed with an equal quantity of gulaiṋca juice on an empty stomach; or
- Take some myrobalan powder mixed with urine of a goat or a cow on an empty stomach at dawn; to help in recovery from elephantiasis.