The Healing Diet for Cancer

4 minutes • 660 words
Table of contents
- Tearing pain in the diseased region
- a very intolerant temperament
- hyper-sensitivity to touch
- weakness and nausea, etc.
In the preliminary stage of the disease the patient does not suffer from much pain. So in the beginning the disease is generally overlooked.
Cancer is a disease of the whole body as well as a Tridośaja disease involving disturbances of váyu, pitta and kapha).
This disease is a combined effect of many different factors.
The people most likely to be attacked by cancer are those who:
- suffer from constipation from violating the health rules
- are lazy, lack self-restraint
- sleep during the day and keep late nights
Constipation causes the blood and the muscle-fibre become worn out by the contaminated digestive fluids of the body and the contaminated air produced by them. This lets cancer set in.
Parts of the internal organs of people who are extremely self-indulgent become weak.
As a result of the attrition of shukra, their body loses its vitality.
When such people eat too much non-vegetarian food, their blood turns acidic and the disease gradually breaks out in the weaker parts of their bodies.
With those people who shun physical labour but take acidic food, chillies, or intoxicants and especially tobacco and similar things – there is every possibility that the disease will attack.
Morning | Noon | Evening |
Utkśepa Mudrá | Diirgha Prańáma | Matsyendrásana |
Násápána | Yogamudrá | Padahastásana |
Diirgha Prańáma | Bhújauṋgásana | Utkat́a Vajrásana |
Yogamudrá | Karkat́a Práńáyáma | Karmásana |
Bhújauṋgásana | ||
Karkat́a Práńáyáma |
If the patient is unable to perform the above 4 evening ásanas, he should practice Sarváuṋgásana, Matsyamudrá, Naokásana and Pashcimottánásana.
If he or she is also unable to perform these, then he/she should do the same ásanas as at noon.
Taking Vyápaka Snána every day is a must. If health permits it can be taken both at noon and in the evening.
In order to reduce the acidity of the blood and make the liver function normally, patients will have to eat alkaline foods as much as possible – all kinds of fruits and roots, vegetable soups, etc.
Depending on the condition of the liver, sufficient milk will also have to be consumed.
If the liver is bad, the patient should drink, instead of cow’s milk:
- coconut milk
- peanut milk
- curd-water
The evening meal should be finished before 8 P.M.
The patient should let the breath flow through the right nostril for about 1 hour after each main meal.
The patient should drink about 2.5 seers of water every day but never more than 1/8 seer at a time.
The following are both food and medicine:
- pineapple
- jám
- banana
- all kinds of citrus fruits
- tomato
Dos and don’ts
Cancer patients should take sun-baths at sunrise:
- between 9 and 10-11 a.m. in the summer
- between 9 a.m. and 12 noon in the winter.
After the sun-bath, the whole body of the patient should be wiped with a wet towel.
Excellent results can be obtained if the patient applies river mud all over the body every day and afterwards bathes in the river.
Strictly avoided are:
- sleeping during the day
- staying awake at night
- chillies
- non-vegetarian food
- sexual relations
Patients should go to bed every night by 8:30 or 9 PM so that they may get up very early the next morning.
Necessary are:
- walking in open places as the strength allows
- physical labour for those who are lazy
Eating a piece of myrobalan after a meal is always helpful to clear the bowels.
From Microvita in a Nutshell
In the case of cancer, say stomach cancer, certain food restrictions will have to be strictly followed.
When pain starts in the stomach, one should sit for dhyána. but just prior to this one should take some juice from a sweet tasting, not a sour tasting fruit.
After performing dhyána, one should take another drink which is different from the first drink. The patient should also avoid any food which causes gas in the stomach, such as pappad, cauliflower, cabbage, turnip, etc.