Superphysics Superphysics
Chapter 15e

You Win: More Dharma Samiksha

by Dada
3 minutes  • 623 words
Table of contents

You win

Madhusudan was my guide in Mokamo during my field training in 1972. He stood in front of Baba for dharma samiksha.

If you are following 16 Points you should step to the right side. If you are not strictly following, step to the left.

Madhu begins moving right.

Wait. Do you have a shaoca manjusa? (A small bottle containing water, which is used for cleaning oneself after passing urine.)
Yes, Baba.
But do you use it regularly?
Yes, Baba.
No, it is not true. You have not been regular in usage.
(in a strong firm voice): Yes I was!

He again starts stepping right.

(to other workers): Do not allow him to move right!
But I’m following 16 Points!
Two days ago you were in Patna at Dag Bangla Charaha Crossing at 9:30 in the morning. You passed urine but did not use your shaoca manjusa.
(laughing loudly): You win, Baba.

(He steps left.)

(smiling): Just see, just see.

Brother M

Brother M stood before Baba

Before becoming a Margi, were you a worker for the Communist party. (chuckles) How was the character of your fellow workers?
Very bad. Baba.
(a little indignant): What about your character, my boy?
My character was good, Baba.
(a little angry): Tell the truth.
I’ve made no such mistake. Baba.
You are lying.
No, I’m not lying, Baba!
Come forward for atonement.

As M slowly begins stepping to the front, Baba leans forward with His stick.

(slightly stepping backward): No, Baba! I did nothing!
(in a strict tone): Turn around, and look to your rear.

M turns his face around. He sees something which we do not see

Oh, Baba!
(in a threatening tone): Need I say anything more about hat happened on April 1?
No, Baba! (He throws himself in prostration at Baba’s feet.)
That will not suffice. Come to your feet.

M stands up. Baba beats him several times.

Afterward, when M was asked what he saw, he said:


Didn’t you all See her? When I turned around, I saw my lady friend dressed in a black sari.

She was a secret, burning in my heart. But now I’m free.

Beyond criticism

Sister Aruna from northern Sweden stood before Baba. After going through the formalities of her name, duty, and so on, the General Secretary began asking her about 16 Points.

There’s no need to question her about her conduct. She is trying her best.

We were all astonished. This was the first case of any Margi being declared uncriticizable.

I looked at Arana’s face. Instead of noticing the expansion of ego that such a comment would have caused in almost anyone else, she looked unselfconscious—her eyes glistened with tears. She was lost in the ecstasy of being with her Baba.

The flow of dharma samiksha has been different from Personal Contact.

Over the past few years I saw many reactions to Personal Contact. My own Personal Contact was a case in point. But every dharma samiksha without exception resulted in unparalleled inspiration.

Baba’s remarks were so individualized, both in rebuke and in praise, that each Margi was fully satisfied.

The majority of us could confirm that He knows our most closely kept secrets, and knows every wave of our mind and body. I am sure that each and every Margi thought something like, “He cares for me. He loves me.”

In the last weeks. Baba gradually became sick. Today, August 24, the strain of altering our mental and physical condition reached the limit. He announced that the dharma samiksha program is now finished.

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