Introduction to the Progressive Utilization Theory
6 minutes • 1123 words
![Cavemen talking](/photos/medieval/cave.jpg)
Prout is based on Shri P.R. Sarkar’s concept of Neo-humanism, which advocates a society concerned not only for human beings, but also for animals, plants, and inanimate resources.
Neo-humanism does not accept narrow groupisms which function as social and psychological causes of exploitation.
Such groups condemn and work against those who are outside of their own territory, clan, or belief system.
Exploitative political power groups and selfish economic interest groups commonly dominate others through pseudo-culture and the mass media. As a result, the life of the entire planet is threatened by massive ecological destruction in the name of progress.
Education and people’s movements should help expose the dogmas and superstitions which feed such narrow-mindedness.
This is why it is also needed to awaken benevolent human conscience and the capacity for rational analysis.
Ultimately, Neo-humanism aims at love for one and all, a state which is founded on spiritual enlightenment.
There should be maximum utilization, rational distribution and proper balance of all physical, mental and spiritual resources. Hence the name Progressive Utilization Theory.
At any given time society is dominated bv a specific psychological outlook or psychological class.
If any class becomes over-entrenched in power, it tends to suppress progressive changes. Prout has a system of checks and balances which discourages this tendency, and encourages a forward shift in power whenever it is needed.
Economic planning should be de-centralized as far as is practical.
The block level is the lowest level. It has an area with around 100,000 people, having similar cultural and ecological concerns.
The most important planning is the lowest level. These should be coordinated by higher levels, for example:
- blocks by states
- states by regions
- regions by nations
Coordination represents concerns of trade, transport, communications, etc.
The basis of boundaries between governing areas should gradually change from historical or political bias, to economic, ecological and cultural factors.
All levels of planning should follow certain economic principles including the following:
- Everyone must be guaranteed the purchasing capacity for their minimal necessities including food, shelter, clothing, medical care and education.
Opportunities for employment must be provided to all.
- There should be a progressive incentive system to encourage initiative, creativity and labor.
Incentives may be given in the form of money, or in kind.
- They may include, for example, equipment by which a person can better his performance, improved working facilities, household items, or other immenities.
Incentives may also be provided through special education, new job possibilities, increased free time, cultural opportunities, recreational facilities, and so on.
- There may always be a gap between the minimum and maximum economic levels.
The economic vitality of a society, however, is judged by the speed of improvement in the minimum standard of living. In a healthy society, the gap is gradually diminishing.
Improvement in technology is beneficial to mankind when it results in neither ecological imbalance nor loss of employment. Due to improved mechanization, workers should benefit whenever possible by diminishment of working hours without loss of salary.
Ignoring psychological factors at the working place is harmful to both the workers and their output.
Therefore a portion of the budget and management time must be allocated to ensure cleanliness, safety, equability, ecological care, and an atmosphere which encourages initiative and creativity.
- These planning principles should be implemented within the framework of self-sufficient economic zones.
These zones may be created by blocks and regions joining together on the basis of economic potentiality, ethnic similarity, and environmental features.
When the local people are directly working for their zone’s economic well-being and self-sufficiency, then they become highly motivated.
The local government must plan for a cooperative economy between agriculture, manufacturing, trade, commerce and professional services.
The government will naturally be concerned for maintaining long-term fertility of its soil and all-round ecological balance
- Such economic zones prefer the development of local resources in lieu of exporting raw materials or importing finished products. This policy encourages the growth of a healthy indigenous manufacturing sector, full employment, and greater security in times of difficulty.
- Within each zone there should be a three-tiered structure of economic enterprises.
- Cooperatives constitute the largest sector, including all agriculture and most industries and commercial companies.
They are owned and managed by their workers. They should be profitable and competitive.
- Key industries provide essential resources such as minerals, energy, large scale transport, and communication.
They are managed as public utilities. Boards of directors are elected democratically, and workers participate in management.
- Private ventures include small-scale industries, shops and services.
Safeguards against over-accumulation of wealth are done through:
- the inspiration provided by the multifarious incentive system
- cooperative ownership
- economic zonal planning
Zonal planning should see that villages have sufficient cleanliness, natural beauty, wildlife, and cultural and educational facilities so that all people, animals and plants will enjoy the process of decentralization.
Over-populated cities must become a thing of the past.
Prout is not a Utopian philosophy.
Society is the field for everyone’s development. Imperfections will always exist. Prout recognizes the need for checks and balances on individual power.
High caliber leadership consists of persons having certain qualities such as
- a reputation for honesty and wisdom
- a history of community service
- demonstrated skills in leadership, management and technical knowledge.
Such leaders should be elected democratically. Democracy, however, is only successful according to the mentality of the voters. Therefore a literate, well-educated and well-informed electorate is essential.
Accordingly, the influence of the mass media and wealth in politics must be regulated.
One of the fundamental works in establishing Prout is to stimulate well-intentioned and capable people to participate in the leadership process.
It is commonly believed that power corrupts, and more power corrupts more. If potential Prout leaders engage themselves in intensive social work, healthy living, sacrifice for others, relevant technical education, and spiritual practices— then they may develop the incorruptible qualities needed in the leaders of a society based on coordinated cooperation.
Prout supports the eventual establishment of a representative world government.
As long as extreme disparity in wealth exists between nations, however, world government is impossible. Only when small countries are free of the threat of domination by big countries will global cooperation be possible. Solving global problems depends on establishing local economic security.
Political freedom without economic independence has no value. Hence Prout’s policy is economic decentralization and centralized political cooperation.
Useful theory is generally only evolved on the basis of practical experimentation.
Therefore the first steps in expanding the Prout theory result from attempts to implement it in communities, such as Master Units. As Master Units merge their concerns with the surrounding neighborhoods and villages, Prout theory is developed and demonstrated.
Practical experience is also gained through organizing public education programs and social movements. Such movements support indigenous culture, work for ecological improvement, and struggle against psycho-economic exploitation.