Superphysics Superphysics
Chapter 5b

Diversity, not identity, is the law of nature

4 minutes  • 730 words
Table of contents

8. Diversity, not identity, is the law of nature

Diversity, not identity, is the innate characteristic of the Supreme Operative Principle.

No two objects in the universe are identical, nor two bodies, two minds, two molecules or two atoms.

This diversity is the inherent tendency of the Supreme Operative Principle.

Those who want to make everything equal are sure to fail because they are going against the innate characteristic of the Supreme Operative Principle.

All things are equal only in the unmanifest state of the Supreme Operative Principle. Those who think of making all things equal inevitably think of the destruction of everything.

9. The minimum requirements of an age should be guaranteed to all

Supreme Consciousness is my father, the Supreme Operative Principle is my mother, and the three worlds are my homeland.

The entire wealth of the universe is the common patrimony of all, though no two things in the universe are absolutely equal.

So the minimum requirements of life should be made available to everybody.

In other words, food, clothing, medical treatment, housing and education must be provided to all.

The minimum requirements of human beings, however, change according to the change in ages.

For instance, for conveyance the minimum requirement may be a bicycle in one age and an aeroplane in another age. The minimum requirements must be provided for all people according to the age in which they live.

10. The surplus wealth should be distributed among meritorious people according to the degree of their merit

After meeting the minimum requirements of all in any age, the surplus wealth will have to be distributed among meritorious people according to the degree of their merit.

In an age when a bicycle is the minimum requirement for common people, a motor vehicle is necessary for a physician.

In recognition of people’s merit, and to provide the meritorious with greater opportunities to serve the society, they have to be provided with motor vehicles.

The dictum “Serve according to your capacity and earn according to your necessity” sounds pleasing, but will yield no results in the hard soil of the earth.(1)

11. Increasing the minimum standard of living of the people is the indication of the vitality of society

Meritorious people should receive more than the minimum requirements allocated to people in general.

There should be ceaseless efforts to raise the minimum standard of living.

For instance, today common people need bicycles whereas meritorious people need motor vehicles.

But a proper effort should be made to provide common people with motor vehicles.

After everybody has been provided with a motor vehicle, it may be necessary to provide each meritorious person with an aeroplane.

After providing every meritorious person with an aeroplane, efforts should also be made to provide every common person with an aeroplane, raising the minimum standard of living.

In this way, the efforts to raise the minimum standard of living will have to go on endlessly.*

Superphysics Note
In Supereconomics, we call this the absolute demand

On this endeavour will depend the mundane development and prosperity of human beings.

12. No individual should be allowed to accumulate any physical wealth without the clear permission or approval of the collective body

The universe is the collective property of all.

All people have usufructuary rights. But no one has the right to misuse this collective property.

If a person acquires and accumulates excessive wealth, he or she directly curtails the happiness and convenience of others in society. Such behaviour is flagrantly antisocial.

Therefore, no one should be allowed to accumulate wealth without the permission of society.

13. There should be maximum utilization and rational distribution of all mundane, supramundane and spiritual potentialities of the universe

The wealth and resources available in the crude, subtle and causal worlds should be developed for the welfare of all.

All resources hidden in the quinquelemental world – solid, liquid, luminous, aerial and ethereal – should be fully utilized.

The endeavour to do this will ensure the maximum development of the universe.

People will have to earnestly explore land, sea and space to discover, extract and process the raw materials needed for their requirements.

There should be rational distribution of the accumulated wealth of humanity.

All people must be guaranteed the minimum requirements. The requirements of meritorious people, and in certain cases those with special needs, will also have to be kept in mind.

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