Superphysics Superphysics
Chapter 1e

Energy and the Creation of Citta

3 minutes  • 444 words
Table of contents

1-10. Due to the increasing influence of the guńas, clash occurs among the fundamental factors and bala (energy) is produced

The firmer the binding factor on the object body, the greater the internal friction in it.

This clash or play of forces is called bala or práńa [power or energy].

This práńa exists more or less in all objects or elements, although its expression has not taken place or does not take place in them in equal proportion.

1-11. The resultant interial force forming the nucleus within the physical structure and maintaining its solidarity, is called práńáh (vital energy).

The resultant force comes into being as a result of both external and internal frictions in the object-body.

If this force finds its own nucleus in some part of that body, the powers or energies active in that body are collectively called práńáh [vital energy].

The word práńáh is plural because it stands for 10 váyus [vital forces in the body].

1-12. Due to excessive clash, some crude matter is pulverized, and cittáńu (ectoplasmic particles), or mind-stuff, is evolved.

If the manifestation of energy is too great in the object-body, some portion of the crude entity gets pulverized as the result of excessive friction in the object-body and gets metamorphosed into cittáńu [mind-stuff], which is subtler than ether. That is to say, mind is born out of matter.

1-13. Through the combination of ectoplasmic particles in the unit structure, the feeling of citta (objective mind) evolves

The coordinated totality of all the cittáńus [ectoplasmic particles] that remain in the individual object-body centring round its totality constitute the sense of citta of that body.

This citta is the done “I”, or objective “I”, of the unit mind.

Unperceived shall remain all the perceptions, whether seen or heard, of an individual, unless the citta identifies itself with their reflections on itself.

1-14. As the influence of the guńas wanes and rajoguńa becomes dominant, the aham (sense of doership) evolves out of the citta

When, by the attraction of Puruśottama [the Cosmic Nucleus], the mind-stuff is gradually goaded forward under the influence of vidyá shakti [the introversial force], the predominance of tamoguńa gradually wanes and the increasing influence of rajoguńa becomes evident.

The part of the mind-body where the predominance of rajoguńa is noticeable, is called the ahaḿtattva [doer “I” or owner “I”].

1-15. With further movement towards the subtle, the mahat evolves out of the ahaḿtattva

By the attraction of vidyá shakti, even the influence of rajoguńa over the ahaḿtattva gradually starts shedding, indicating the predominance of sattvaguńa.

The part of the ahaḿtattva where the predominance of sattvaguńa is established, is called the mahattattva [pure “I” feeling].

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