The Mind Grows in Magnitude
5 minutes • 1000 words
Amongst the different faculties of this globe in the physico-psycho-spiritual realms, mental faculties are of maximum importance. These Mental faculties can be categorized into 4 main groups:
- Thinking
The mind discovers and invents newer modes of thinking.
The mind thinks with concentration, that is, the mind meditates.
Regarding this faculty of thinking, if it is done in a methodical way, the result is certainly positive: a negative result is achieved only in certain rare cases.
But if it is not done in a methodical way, the general result is negative: only in very rare cases do we get a positive result.
So our students should be taught how to think in a methodical style, otherwise there will be wastage of mental potentialities. We do not want such wastage to take place in this age of science.
Regarding thinking with concentration, that is, meditation – it is another, still subtler, science.
Meditation should be performed knowing fully well the location of different glands and sub-glands and also the different cells in the human brain.
People should:
- know the location of these glands and sub-glands
- be acquainted with their respective systems of hormone secretion, otherwise their meditation will not produce any fruit.
So for this system of meditation, knowledge of biology is essential.
Human beings have yet to invent the way of methodical thinking and methodical meditation based on:
- the location of different concerned cells, glands and sub-glands
- their secretion of the requisite quantity of hormones.
- Remembering
The mind discovers or invents different systems of remembering or memorizing.
While remembering, the mind should know how to associate the object to be remembered with psychic pabula of a similar nature.
Human beings should know how to select these associated psychic pabula which have similarity [or] proximity to the object that they want to remember. In the case of memorizing there should be both a physical and a psychic approach, and to some extent a spiritual approach.
For the purpose of memorizing, we should avoid the use of different sub-glands producing inimical hormones. The system of memorizing should be associated with the qualities and roots of the different plexi of the human body.
- Transmutation and diversion of different psychic pabula in a scientific manner.
This process of transmutation and diversion may vary from:
- human to human
- one group of human beings to another
- animal to animal
- bird to bird.
There should be a specific training course and psychic training centre for this.
These centres will teach how to:
- transmute
- divert different psychic pabula
These should be started immediately for:
- human beings of different psychic strata
- all living beings.
These training centres should be:
- classified into different types
- run separately for different psychological structures for differently developed, developing and underdeveloped living beings.
For instance, there should be:
- one type of training academy for developed animals like monkeys, dogs, chimpanzees and orang-utans
- another for developing animals
- another for underdeveloped animals.
Regarding plants and animals, there are different strata.
- But these plants and animals must all be metazoic structures with clear and distinct “I” feeling, not guided by mere instincts.
In various living beings with ordinary protoplasmic structures, there is life and movement. But all their actions are goaded by instinct There is little or no “I” feeling.
The training centres should be only for:
- those metazoic structures whose “I” feeling is clear and distinct.
- the transmutation and diversion of psychic pabula.
This may be considered as the third psychic faculty.
- Creating more scope for rationality and rationalization on the different planes of existence – physical, psychic and spiritual.
If we want to encourage rationality and rationalization on the physical level, we must avoid thought-waves which originate on the physical plane and concern physical objects.
On the psychic level, we must avoid various psychic forms, psychic ideas, psychic movements, and also those aspects of telepathy or clairvoyance which originate on the psychic plane.
However, there are certain phenomena which occur on a blended plane, for instance on a blending of the psychic and spiritual planes. On such a blended plane we come across a subtler form of telepathy.
Clairvoyance happens on a blended plane of subtler psychic stratum and cruder spiritual stratum.
Other supra-occult powers such as omniscience exist only in the pure spiritual stratum where there are no fetters of duality, or where the fetters of duality are very slack or slackened.
This is similar with the transmission of soul amongst different bodies existing at the same time.
Suppose there are several corporal structures existing at the same time.
- A soul might move from one structure to another, from one soul to another soul.
- This can only happen when the soul is free, or almost free, from all fetters of duality.
- Such an event takes place only in a supra-psychic structure, that is, only on the spiritual level.
- But if there is any blending of the unit mind with the soul, then it cannot take place.
- This is also a hidden treasure of the human mind.
But I do not want you to try to acquire these occult powers.
You should only desire to be one with the Supreme; there must not be any longing to attain these occult powers – it is bad.
Only the thought-wave which emanates from the spiritual plane will save humanity from the devastating influence of
- separates humans from humans
- creates hindrances in the remoulding of human society into a single existence.
This process of rationalization should be developed through the intrinsic human potential of remodeling every aspect of mind.
- We must do this in the near future.
The problem is a peculiar one, but we must solve it, because it has created so many troubles, so many divisions in human society – so many sanguinary battles, so much warfare. This problem may disturb the peace of the entire universe.
So we will have to solve this problem and create a new world in all the three emanations of life – physical, psychic and spiritual.
2 June 1990 RU, Anandanagar