The Rule of Rationality

3 minutes • 613 words
This solar system is sufficient in its potentiality to maintain, nourish, feed, and supply material all its living beings.
Due to our folly or undeveloped thinking, we could not give proper solutions to the problems of material existence.
Our planet is just like a hidden treasure.
We have to utilize this hidden treasure for the maintenance and sustenance of all the living beings of this universe.
The earth is passing through a critical juncture.
The solution is of immediate necessity.
Our PROUT must be propagated throughout this universe, especially on Earth.
You should chalk out programmes for its materialization and implementation within a short period.
The economic life, political life and social life of living beings have:
- a mental world and
- a spiritual world.
For development and progress in the mental and spiritual worlds, our Neohumanistic ideology is to be propagated everywhere.
Spiritual life controls all other arenas of human life.
The physical body is made of the 5 factors.
- A 5-factor science should be applied to cure certain ailments associated with the physical body.
To remove physico-psychic ailments, bio-science is to be developed utilizing the new theory of microvita.
Microvita may function as positive or negative physico-microvita.
Spiritual microvita should also be utilized.
Microvita theory should be properly utilized.
There is also cultural life. Tendencies are of either a degenerating or an exalting nature, that is, they are either of a depraving or an elevating nature. We should encourage the elevating tendencies and discourage the depraving ones. In certain parts of this world, depraving tendencies such as pornography exist.
Simply protesting will not stop these things.
We will have to do something positive to check it. Such positive action will create a new stir in the human mind. Pornography and other depraving tendencies will be completely discouraged and checked. That will be our course of action. We have to create new literature, new books, new music, new songs… We have to chalk out a programme and act accordingly.
Innocent human beings are at the mercy of devouring demons. The animals are also at the mercy of human demons. Even the plants are at the mercy of human demons. These demons destroy forests without planting new ones and thus create new deserts. There is folly in their thinking as well as their economics. 300 years ago there was no desert in South America; 150 years ago there was no desert in India. Innocent human beings are at the mercy of human demons. We must solve this problem. We must solve this problem through PROUT, Neohumanism, microvita, art, literature, songs, music and spiritual sádhaná. This is the panacea to solve all these problems.
There may be a shortage of petroleum. But elements for creating petroleum are available in the world.
We will be able to produce synthetic petroleum.
We want the rule of rationality.
Human society is one and indivisible.
Apparently there is heterogeneity. But in essence there is homogeneity.
For instance, in the Middle East there are Muslims, Jews, Christians, Semites and Blacks.
But they all belong to the same supreme race – they are all the progeny of the Supreme Progenitor.
This is what the spiritual philosophy of Ananda Marga says. Only due to dogmas, people think in terms of heterogeneity. There is only one ideology in the world which is not only all-embracing but also all-pervading.
Both the problems and their solutions have been pointed out. Now it is our bounden duty to carry this message to all nooks and corners of this world. The wind is blowing in our favour. We should carry the message to each and every particle of marrow of this living world.
31 August 1987, Calcutta