Superphysics Superphysics
Chapter 8

Microvitum and Its Effect on Human Body and Human Mind

by PR Sarkar
5 minutes  • 970 words

Microvitum moves through the media of inferences*.

*Superhysics Note: The inferences here are the 5 Layers applied onto the metaphysical domain

Positive microvitum starts its journey in the lunar plexus (ajna chakra) and moves both ways – towards the subtler existence of human spirit and also towards the cruder manifestations or emanations of human existence.

Plexus Charka Classification
Macro-propensive Void
Occult Top
Lunar Ajna
Aerial Throat, Vishuddha physico-psychic
Solar Navel
Fluidal Sex
Basal Base

But negative microvitum cannot move above the physico-psychic plexus. It can only move downwards.

Indirectly, it can affect the lunar plexus, but directly it cannot.

In cosmic space, both positive and negative microvita move through the inferences of the cosmic mind – the internal inferences of the cosmic mind – and also with the help of the cruder portion of ectoplasms [lower mind].

In the ectoplasmic [lower mind] structure, there is the effect of both spirit [metaphysical domain] and physicality [physical domain].

The cruder portion is closely associated with the physical structure and the subtler portion with spirituality.

In a particular plexus, say in the basal plexus, the desire to increase human longings is created or encouraged both by positive and negative microvita.

  • But the encouragement from the negative microvita is towards crudeness.
  • The encouragement of positive microvita is for the conversion or transmutation of crude desires into subtler ones.

The desires to attain success in all worldly affairs are created by both positive and negative ones.

  • But the negative ones make a person selfish.
  • The positive ones make a person a universalist.

The longing for physicality or physical wealth comes from negative microvitum.

  • The longing to attain something cosmic comes from positive microvitum.

All living beings want to free themselves from all fetters of smallness.

  • The desire to be free in the realm of worldly socio-politico-economic life comes from negative microvitum.
  • The desire to attain all-round liberation comes from positive microvitum.

Similarly, in the fluidal plexus, the indifferent attitude for something comes from both the types of microvita.

  • But the indifference for good comes from negative microvita.
  • The indifference for the crude comes from positive microvita.

Irresponsibility (Lack of a sense of responsibility) comes from negative microvitum when it is for something noble, and from positive microvitum when it is for something limited.

Likewise, one tolerates injustice when the inspiration comes from negative microvitum. One does not tolerate injustice when inspired by positive microvitum.

Not to recognize anything beyond the jurisdiction of the senses or the sensory organs – this spirit or this mentality comes from negative microvita

The spirit “not to recognize anything transitory or moving as absolute” is from positive microvita.

  • These propensities are associated with the fundamental spirit of the fluidal plexus.

Similarly, both these positive and negative microvita function in:

  • the solar plexus (navel?)
  • the aerial plexus (heart?)
  • the physico-psychic plexus (throat?)
  • the lunar plexus (ajna)
  • the occult plexus (Guru Cakra).

But in the case of the lunar plexus, positive microvitum can function independently.

But in the case of negative microvitum, it cannot go directly beyond the jurisdiction of the physico-psychic plexus.

If it wants to go beyond, it will have an indirect effect on the lunar plexus but no direct effect.

So in the case of negative microvita, microvital spirit may be operative only if done by a powerful entity, otherwise not.

Similarly, psychic diseases associated with the lunar plexus may appear when the force of the negative microvita is far bigger or greater than that of the positive microvita working in the lunar plexus.

If a person’s lunar plexus is badly affected by negative microvita, one is commonly known as a “lunatic” or “moon-struck”.

People think that this type of mental ailment comes from the moon or from moonlight.

To fight out the effect of negative microvitum on the lunar plexus, one is to encourage right thinking, good thinking and meditation.

A person doing spiritual sádhaná or meditation cannot be attacked by negative microvitum.

But positive microvitum can work directly in the lunar plexus and it moves up to the occult plexus (the Guru Cakra).

But it cannot go beyond the occult plexus – it cannot touch the macro-propensive plexus.

  • Micro-propensive activities concern the propensities of microcosms.
  • Macro-propensive activities concern the propensities for the all-round development of all created beings.

Yadá yadá hi dharmasya glánirbhavati Bhárata Cábhyutthánamadharmasya tadátmánaḿ srjámyáham

[Whenever righteousness declines and unrighteousness raises its ugly head, I incarnate myself.]

In this sloka, the gláni of dharma means the rule of negative microvita. They cannot touch the pinnacled portion, the pinnacled entity of the multi-propensive plexus.

In order to reach that pinnacled goal of the multi-propensive plexus, one will have to do sadhaná, spiritual practice. One is also required to get the grace of somebody great.

Mahatkrpayaeva bhagvatkrpáleshádvá.

[One can attain the supreme stance by the blessings of the exalted ones, as well as a wee bit of Macrocosmic grace.]

Either the grace of a great person or of Parama Puruśa is needed. Microvitum – neither positive nor negative – can function there.

These microvita – positive or negative – maintain the balance of the universe.

The world moves towards:

  • degeneration when the collective negative microvita becomes stronger than positive microvita.
  • spiritual revolution when the collective effect of the positive microvita is greater than that of negative microvita

If the lunar plexus is attacked by negative microvita, the world moves fast towards degeneration.

That degeneration is now active in this universe.

You are to do something concrete to save the universe from its depraving effect. Otherwise, the future of humanity and all living beings is dark.

So you will have to become more active and work jointly with maximum speed and maximum zeal to do something concrete with the help of positive microvita.

Negative microvita will not help you in this connection.

31 December 1987 RU, Anandanagar

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