Superphysics Superphysics

Some Clarifications

4 minutes  • 756 words
Chapter Event
1 October 1953: My friend Chandranathji and my vision of Baba. Baba sends His blessings and accepts me as a disciple. My initiation in November 1953
2 I am persecuted by my boss. Baba explains the real meaning of ahim’sa and the importance of iis’t’a mantra.
3 Jamalpur and the tiger’s grave.
4 Baba explains the meaning of varn’aghdana and warns against mean mindedness. The downfall of my persecutor.
5 February 1954: I get a sympathetic boss and am transferred to Begusarai. Manan Prasad miraculously loses weight.
6 Rainy Season 1954: My boss Asthanaji takes initiation and Baba appears before him
7 September 1954: Baba gives me the boon of only getting demotion when I myself desire it. My daughter dies and is miraculously resurrected and my wife takes initiation
8 The sufi saint Dattaji and his prophecy about Baba
9 Winter 1954: Baba solves my difficulties in meditation and explains how His assistance is given from a distance. Shyam Charan Lahiri becomes ‘Vajra Bhairav’ at the tiger’s grave. Baba’s disciples of His previous lives. The ‘white lady’. The power and use of iis’t’a and guru mantras. Bindeshwariji’s daughter is initiated and her life is extended. My methods of pracar.33
10 November 1954: Demonstrations.
Chapter Event
18 1 April 1955: The delayed official news of my demotion is received. Baba is upset and again becomes kalpataru at the tiger’s grave. Baba grants my boon and is persuaded to stay in His body.90
19 Summer 1955: Baba foretells the persecution of Ananda Marga. Baba sends me home. My father dies and I miss the Jamalpur DMC
20 Baba tells all Margiis to address each other as brother and I prepare for the
tattvika examination under Baba. Baba explains liberation, animals and kundalinii. Baba describes His previous
lives as a Vedic scholar in Benares and a Muslim fakir, and His disciples of those
21 May-June 1955: Baba becomes kal[pataru at the ashram and gives me a boon. Baba cures me of my chronic disease and upbraids me for my pride in Him. Baba explains ‘chayamurti’.
22 Baba commends the modern acaryas of Ananda Marga and explains the importance of guru, guru-puja, sadhana and japa. Proof of diiks’a and the correct mantra
23 Carya Carya and Elementary Philosophy are translated and published in 1956. Ranchi DMC in 1958. I desire to do sastaunga pranam and massage His feet.
24 Opposition to Ananda Marga. The laying of Jamalpur jagrti foundation-stone.125
25 Baba’s childhood
26 I consult Baba via the general secretary. Ram Bahadur Singh takes intitiation. How Baba cured his eye trouble. Baba visits him and writes down the pledge for The Volunteer Social Service
27 The margiis ask Baba for finacial assistance. My mother, my wife and my son fall ill
28 1956 New Year programme. My year’s leave finishes and I rejoin my office on 6 January. My younger brother takes initiation from me in Muzzafarpur. Patna DMC .My appeal against my demotion is rejected and I write to Baba. I am
transferred to Dalmianagar and in September moved back to Muzzafarpur. Baba advises patience.
29 January 1957: Iam promoted on 3 January to Danapur Head Office. I arrange Muzzafarpur DMC on 26 January 1956 and Baba visits my house
30 Vaeshakhii Purnima 1957. I am sent to Delhi for training. R. Prasad and Tyagiiji and Gaunga Sharanji take initiation. Tyagiiji is cured of TB
31 Prasadji and the smugglers and his cure from paralysis
32 My training in Delhi and my colleague stops me from smoking. August 1957 I am transferred to Hajipur. Baba passes through Muzzafarpur in November 1957. January 1958 Ananda Vanii.
33 26 January 1958 Bhagalpur DMC; Baba inaugurates Rennaisance Universal. I return to Jamalpur in February 1958 for the first time since my transfer in January 1955. My mother falls ill and after Baba’s reply to my letter a doctor
arrives and cures her
34 Ranchi DMC Ananda Purnima, 12 May 1958. Baba introduces lalita Marmika dance to kiirtan. I return to Hajipur and confess to Baba in a letter That I am overwhelmed by the desire to eat meat, and the desire fades. I
again approach Baba to give up my acaryaship.
35 Baba returns by train from Gorakhpur DMC via Hajipur and I feed Baba and all margiis on board. Shankar Swaroop Sinha is initiated
36 September 1958 Ramnagar DMC. I attend the DMC with Deep Narayanji and we return on the train with Baba.
_ October 1 1958 Krishnanagar DMC. We return from Krishnanagar with Acarya Sakaldeoji

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