Superphysics Superphysics
Chapter 1b

Baba Sends His Blessings And Accepts Me As A Disciple

by Nagina
2 minutes  • 301 words

I asked Chandranathji of the address of his guru at least.

He replied that he could only tell that Baba lived in Jamalpur.

I proposed that we should go to Jamalpur by the night train and return next morning after having Baba’s darshan there.

At my insistence Candranathji agreed to go to Jamalpur to ask permission to see him.

Getting Baba’s permission is quite difficult and rare.

Next day I became busy with office work and began eagerly to await:

  • the return of Chandranathji from Jamalpur
  • the inspection tour of my departmental head.

Chandranathji called from Bhagalpur station.

He said, “You are very lucky, you have the permission to visit Baba.”

Unthinkingly I asked, “What about the blessing?”

Exasperated, Chandranthji answered, “Baba has said to face boldly whoever comes and all will be well”.

At 8am, Chandranathji went to Baba’s Keshavpur residence and was able to see Him without much waiting.

Baba asked him whether he wanted to talk about Nagina and added:

“when he has already accepted me as his Guru, where is the question of permission?”

Chandranathji prayed for blessings for me. To this Baba replied:

“Normally I do not Give blessing before initiation, but Nagina has already accepted everything and now initiation is a mere formality. Alright, tell him to face whatever comes boldly and every thing will be all right".

Chandranathji told me that this had never happened before in any other case as happened to me.

After a night’s rest, Chandranathji left for Dumka next morning and I became busy in my inspection work.

The inspection of my office began at 10 am. Because of Baba’s blessings, I began to face all the difficulties of the inspection boldly.

After completing the inspection, my head of department left for his head office on October 9.

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