Superphysics Superphysics
Appendix 6

An Apology

by Nagina
2 minutes  • 423 words

[Published in Prajina Bharati 1985]



Respected Shrii,

With reference to the letter to the Editor in the January ’85 issue. Discontinuation of the Ananda Katha serials has pained me much. I have been pained, greater still, to know that my words have hurt Nagina da deeply, whereupon he has been unwilling to continue those most inspiring and educate serials.

I myself am an ardent lover and reader of Ananda Katha. Hence the discontinuation has proved a great personal loss to me. Ever since the serial began publication, I used to wait anxiously with curiosity and excitement for the next installment every month.

Needless to speak of the agonies of thousand of devotees and enlightened readers who are since missing these soul-stirring serials. The value ofAnanda Katha is inestimable.

I wish to convey to Nagina da, my venerable older brother and a great devotee of Baba. That I am extremely sorry for the remarks or comments that have hurt him.

I offer my sincerest apology to him for those words which he might have found offensive to his views and sentiments. This has happened unintentionally, though. I cannot think even in imagination to hurt Nagina da, whom I do not know personally, yet treasure high regard for him for his historical contribution in immortalizing Baba’s glory.

I want to make certain points clear to allay misunderstanding and with them I close the chapter for good from my side.


I have personally never doubted the veracity of the quotations appearing in Ananda Katha serials. I unambiguously stated this in my letter published in Prajina Bharati in April 84 issue. The relevant portion is:

“It is evident Nagina da has reproduced Baba’s words in Ananda Katha. It is also clear he didn’t feel it necessary to question Baba on those points which are agitating the mind of some well –meaning devotees. In my view he didn’t do it since he didn’t find any reason to disbelieve Baba and also because those matters didn’t appear incongruous to him.”


I personally never felt the necessity of ascertaining those facts from Baba either. On my part I thought it a sheer waste of time of Baba. Why should the confidence of the author of Ananda Katha waver while reporting the truth? I think it is the sufficient point a solace and strength for him that he quotes Baba verbatim.

If someone doubts the veracity of the statements, the onus to ascertain the facts lies on that person.

Yours sincerely

Santosananda Avadhuta

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