2 minutes • 220 words
- The 3 gunas get imbalance because of probability
- This creates desire as an identity-wave, powered by static negative energy. This is why yoga and Buddhism advocates ending desire or just desiring the Supreme
- The wave degrades into 5 physical layers, with its physical energies
- Many waves lead to some waves being the environment of other waves
- A combo of the 5 layers has a probability of getting a lot of sentient prakrti (manifest shiva) to be a good environment for life
- The good combo creates pranah and unit mind
- In time, from clash and cohesion of the shiva and shakti, the unit mind develops an ego from its inherent atman
- The unit mind is a reflection of the paramatman which is its goal since it was created from the positive force
- Pranah, as positive static energy, has 5 internal and 5 external types to help the mind grow and the atman to be more like the paramataman
- The growth of mind is through its heart chakra. This increases its propensities, as glands.
- Gradually, the body loses pranah which loses its parallelism with the mind, causing death. The mind finds another body that is parallel with it.
- Kundalini is the fundamental negativity that binds the mind with physical reality
- Personality is the combination of the physical body, mind, and spirit (samskara)