Superphysics Superphysics

Ideal Farming Summary

by PR Sarkar Icon
1 minutes  • 198 words
  • Even rocky land can be made fit for cultivation after filling it up with good soil.
  • Calcium, phosphates, potash, etc must still be added to pulse crops
  • Radish needs a lot of calcium
  • Raw turmeric is poisonous. it should be boiled.
  • shák kangkong grows very well wherever rice water is thrown onto the soil.
  • only pineapple grows in alkaline soils.
  • Not more than 2 offshoot saplings should be allowed to grow from one banana tree. The extra shoots should be cut.
  • basil is a moon plant. It should be exposed to the moon but not the sun
  • The green leaves of yellow mustard (sarśe shák) should not be eaten because although they are tasty, they are acidic
  • exhausted topsoil should be tilled to put on lower unexhausted soil on the top
  • Where there are railway lines which belong to the railway department going through agricultural land, cow pea, late áus paddy or black gram should be cultivated on both sides of the railway lines

The soft tip of the aerial root of the Banyan is a good medicine for blood dysentery, mucus dysentery and leukemia when it is ground with water that has been used to wash rice

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