Roadside Plants

2 minutes • 328 words
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Some examples of roadside planting combinations grown at Ánanda Nagar include:
- alternately mango seedlings and eucalyptus ( M + E + M + E …)
- palmyras of different varieties and selected mango seedlings of different varieties planted alternately ( M + P + M + P …)
- mango seedlings and date palm. The date palm should be of the Gujarati and Videhi varieties. (D + B + D + B …)
- date palms of different varieties and blackberries of different varieties. (D+B+D+B…)
- palmyra and different varieties of shade trees, both Indian and non-Indian. (P+S1+P+S2…)
- ebony (ablus), queen crepe myrtle (járul), mahagony, teak (segun). (E+Q+M+S…)
- selected mango seedlings and silk cotton of different varieties. (M+S+M+S…)
- mango and silk cotton with date palm of different varieties and a few banyan trees. Between the banyan trees a few palmyra should be planted instead of date palm. For example, (M+D1+S+M+B+P+B+S+M+D2+S…)
- late maple trees in between date palm. (M+D+M+D…)
- chinar with intermittent date palm. (C+D+C+D…)
- magnolias mixed with all type of palms. One palm between every two magnolias, including domá tál, African palm, and African oil palm.
- different shade trees of Indian and non-Indian varieties.
Existing roadside plants should not be destroyed. As a fixed rule agave ahould be the fill-up plant in the case of all the road trees.
Tál can also be planted along roadsides.
Above the gates of compounds an arch of creepers such as nayan paiṋjana (bouganvillea), madavilata and madhurilata should be planted. Seasonal plants that can be grown in sunny spots, on roof tops and beside roads include calendula, poppy, double zinnia, pansy, carnation and cosmos.
These plants can be obtained from Holland and Belgium. Orchids should not be planted on roadside trees but anywhere else in beauty spots.
(1) Páyrá phasal. A minor crop grown in the same field as a main crop. The seeds for a “pigeon crop” are sown by casting them in the same way that one might cast grain to pigeons. –Eds.