Solutions to Sin

3 minutes • 581 words
Table of contents
1. The solution for the lack physical food is the guarantee of minimum requirements to everyone.
If you do not supply people with the minimum requirements you will meet your Waterloo. If your neighbor’s house is on fire, your house will also catch fire.
To supply the minimum requirements to everyone, both a strong administration and an intellectual approach are necessary. Those capable of providing these things to humanity will be called Sadvipras. In the absence of Sadvipras, society cannot survive.
2. The solution to overaccumulation is an intellectual approach, intellectual propagation.
Physical force will have to be utilized as per necessity.
Those who use both the proper physical and intellectual approach are Sadvipras.
Without Sadvipras the survival of society is not possible.
- At one place, because of over-accumulation, food becomes rotten.
- At another place, because of shortages, people become sinners.
We cannot allow this to continue.
3. The solution to stagnancy is to strike it with a Hammer
To solve this cause of sin, the intellectual approach does not work.
People often say, “Our forefathers used to do it, so we should also do it.” But you are not your forefathers! You must behave as yourselves.
Suppose the son of one Shri Simhasana is Shri Ramadhar.
If Shri Ramadhara Singh says he must do like his father, does he become his father, Shri Simhasana? No, he does not.
This sort of stagnancy is suicidal. For the sign of life is dynamism, and where there is no dynamism, there is death. Without dynamism people harm themselves and others.
As dynamism is precious for the Jiivas or unit beings, so is Parama Puruśa or the Supreme Entity precious for them.
A doctor feels the pulse and examines its movement to determine the health of his or her patient. If the pulse does not move the patient is pronounced dead.
Movement is life.
The dogmatic-minded traditional people are neither human beings nor animals.
- They do not listen to reason.
- They are to be struck.
- Those who do the striking are Sadvipras.
The striking is to be done with a hammer!
- They are to be hit not with a hammer, but with a sledge hammer.
Suppose the Sadvipras do not hammer the dogmatic-minded people, what will happen?
Because of their unnecessary presence, the speed of others is retarded.
- The stagnant people commit suicide and become the cause of death for others.
Sadvipras will not leave or forgive such people, but will set them right with an iron hand.
Dogmatic-minded people cannot be checked by:
- the sanguine eyes of the so-called intellectuals or
- the arms of the military.
Humanity wants to move ahead, but the stagnant people who are neither human beings nor animals have blocked the way of the Sadvipras and have obstructed their movement.
The common mass will not tolerate these obstructions.
- This suicide is not deliberately done by the people.
- Those who commit suicide, do it when their mind is in a negative state. It is unnatural.
Therefore, Sadvipras will remove this unnaturalness with the blows of their hammers. None can check it.
The duty of the Sadvipras will be to hammer these stagnant people who are a burden to society, who suffer from inertness in their physico-mental sphere, at the appropriate moment so that the path of human progress becomes straight, clear and well-constructed.
The 3 causes of sin will be removed only when the Sadvipras will be ready to fight against them with an iron hand.
30 May 1970, Muzaffarpur