Staticity and Sin

5 minutes • 992 words
As a summary, the 3 causes of sin are:
- Lack of physical and intellectual food
This turns people into beasts, letting them commit sins and crimes. It is prevalent everywhere in the world although it is less evident in a few of the more affluent countries.
- Non-utilization of over-accumulated physical and psychic food
Where there is over-accumulation of physical wealth, several problems occur.
Human beings do not have many needs.
Primarily they need satisfying meals and clothing, according to their necessities. Most people do not even want many things.
The desire to accumulate money is actually a mental disease.
The accumulators do not accumulate to fulfil their basic needs a human needs are few.
For instance, if a person has a mango grove which yields 500 mangoes and a family of 5, what will he do with so many mangoes?
In cases of over-accumulation, there is very little chance of utilization.
Hence, if the Sadvipras are not vigilant, where there is over-accumulation non-utilization will occur.
Moreover, where there is over-accumulation people tend to misutilize wealth by indulging in their baser propensities rather than their finer ones.
The following who have nothing to do are generally wicked and mean-minded:
- most of the kings and Nawabs of ancient times
- most of the aristocrats and wealthy people of today
Government officers who do not have psychic and spiritual interests also become mean-minded.
When we have to judge, we must be frank.
It is natural for people to move towards sin if over-accumulated physical and psychic food is not utilized.
If people have developed intellects which are not properly directed, and there is no administration of the Sadvipras, people become polished satans and inflict sufferings on others.
If the parents of a boy die and he has no guardian, due to a lack of proper guidance the boy may easily become reckless and a sinner.
To satisfy the greed of the have’s, the have-not’s become slaves, and to appease their own hunger they become sinners.
The have’s misutilize the intellectual and physical wealth of the have-not’s to satisfy their baser propensities. In the back ground sit the big capitalists; in the foreground, as their agents, are half-naked children! This is the cause of the downfall of society.
Some countries have a high living standard.
- These have no ‘have-not’s’ who become slaves due to the evil designs of the have’s.
Where there is excessive wealth, the feeling of, “What should I do?” crops up in the minds of the people.
Moreover, people take to the path of suicide in the absence of proper direction.
- They also become addicts and social parasites
- They do not know what they should do and what they should not do.
- Stagnancy as the Lack of movement in the physical and psychic spheres
This is the greatest burden of the human society: it is the greatest mental disease.
The sign of life of everything in this universe is dynamism.
Progress actually does not take place in the physical and psychic strata, but only in the spiritual stratum.
Even if there is no progress in the physical-mental sphere, movement is there in the spiritual sphere.
- Had there been no movement, the physico-psychic world would have met its doom.
Thus there is movement but no progress or Pragati.
That which leads to betterment is progress. But that which causes movement without development, is not progress.
For example, suppose one bull moves along a road and another one walks round and round in a grinding mill. The former is able to freely cover a few miles but the latter moves without getting anywhere.
[What is the benefit of asanas if the desires of the mind are not exhausted?]
In the physical and psychic worlds, there is movement but no progress.
10,0000 years ago, people practiced Sádhaná and attained Brahma.
After these 10,000 years, you have been born.
Today there is much dynamism in the physical sphere and there is great intellectual speed.
Your intellect might be more than the intellect of Vasthista and Vishvamitra, but your progress is not much more.
There might not be the over-accumulation of physical and psychic food.
In the absence of over-accumulation sin may also be accounted for.
Every existence has its aim. All entities are moving according to their speed whether there is progress or no progress. But on the way if something comes which has no movement, which remains as it is, it affects the speed of others.
The human mind becomes inert and dormant in society due to:
- old dogmas
- weaknesses
- lack of proper education
An inert mind destroys itself. It also affects the movements of others.
“My ancestors were doing this, so how am I to forgo them?”
This is nothing but the same stagnancy.
If your ancestors were wearing their Dhotis above their knees and a napkin tied around their heads, why then do you put on pants and a terylene shirt? Nobody follows their ancestors.
It is a weakness for a person to take the lead from their ancestors only, ignoring everyone else.
Mental stagnancy is a kind of disease. It is motionlessness.
People should not be allowed to rely on the dogmas of their ancestors as it obstructs their own mental pursuit and those of others also.
Suppose a cart is in an inconvenient place, blocking the road. The cart has to be pushed to one side. If it cannot be pushed easily it will have to be moved more forcibly. You will have to go ahead – this is the law. It will not do for you to say, “Let the cart remain as it is.” Similarly, you should not say, “The members of my family hold conservative views,” and use this as an excuse for inaction. This should not be allowed. People who hold conservative views are really materialists and are mentally stagnant. Speed has to be infused in them. And not only this, there is need for acceleration in the speed.