Superphysics Superphysics
Chapter 14

The Line Of Intuition

by Ranald
4 minutes  • 738 words
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This line (see plate 27, 8) is a mixed blessing.

Its position is along the outer edge of the palm, running vertically from the Lunar mount to the mount of Mercury. Its shape is an arc, approaching the semi-circle, arching out into the palm.

It gives its possessor acute, intuitive understanding. It marks out a sort of sixth sense by which things not perceived through the ordinary sensory faculties and not reasoned by the mind are seemingly arrived at by instinct.

A deep, clear, unbroken line having a good arc will give the most reliable intuitive sensitiveness.

A broken or otherwise defective line has little effectiveness, or it may show a false intuition.

An island on the line likewise indicates intuitions either misapplied or only partially understood.

A branch line running from a deep, clear line of intuition to the Jupiter mount shows the realization of this mysterious faculty and its application to aid ambition.

A rising line to the mount of Apollo shows a measure of renown coming from the use of this strange gift.

Conflict is told by a line from this mark which cuts through the line of destiny.

This indicates that the intuitive faculties will seriously prejudice the career. When the connecting line from the arc of intuition actually merges into the line of destiny, instinct will prove an aid to the career.

At times this line of intuition may be very broken up and confused with a defective line of health. In that case, the exercise of the intuitive faculties is a danger to health.

For corroboration, look at the line of head. If it too, shows weakness, there is danger that the attraction of mysticism will unbalance the mind.

Persons who possess this sixth sense are often unaware of it themselves. In any case, they are unable to explain it.

I do not know to what extent it connected with suggestibility and the manifestations of hypnosis,

Perhaps the faculty a natural one which we have lost, corresponding to the racial memory and instincts of animals.

Perhaps it is a new sensory endowment which mankind is just in process of developing.

That is the theory adopted by such scientists as Oliver Lodge, who believe that some day all human beings will be able to receive impressions which are in no sense mysterious but merely too delicate to be registered by the fingers, eyes, ears and waves or nose.

If there do exist waves or particles which, functioning outside ordinary time, would tell us of the past or future, we may some day learn of them, just as we have found light waves which the eye does not register but which make their impression on sensitive instruments.

The Via Lascivia

This (see plate 27, number 14) is a rare marking. It is a convex arch either crossing the hand above the wrist or slanting from lower mount Luna into the wrist.

It indicates great physical energy.

If the hand as a whole is coarse and sensual, the via lascivia increases the sensuality, gluttony and passion shown by the hand. When the hand is a more ideal or mental type, the excess energy may be directed into work.


This (see plate 27, number 9) is an arc looping down into the palm from between the first and second fingers and the third and fourth. Occasionally, it stretches out from the finger to the base of Mercury or even to the outer edge of the palm.

It is in part a sister line to the line of heart and sometimes takes its place when the latter is absent.

Depending on the type of hand, the girdle of Venus has widely differing implications. On a sensitive hand, it is likely to mean nervous disorders, often connected with sex maladjustments.

Many fine lines etched all over the palm will bear out the interpretation of nervous sensitiveness.

When the headline is poor, the girdle of Venus can be sign of hysteria.

In a strongly physical hand, it emphasizes sensuality. If it is both strong and much broken up, it shows sexual abnormalities.

The further the girdle of Venus extends across the hand, the better, for proximity to the palms outer edge allows the stabilizing force of Mercury.

If it cuts through the lines of Saturn or Apollo, the girdle of Venus actually breaks them, sensuality or preoccupation with sex will be an obstacle to success.

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