The Lines of Destiny
5 minutes • 952 words
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THE line of destiny or Saturn (see plate 27, number 4), tells:
- the plan of life
- whether that plan will be easily fulfilled or not.
When the destiny line is deep, clear and without interfering cross markings, you may expect a career pursued with determination and leading to success.
I have found rare hands without this line. In such cases, the subject has made his own way in life by his own own ingenuity unassisted by:
- friends
- influence or luck
A very broad, pale and shallow Saturn line is a bad sign.
- His talents were wasted and energy applied much too haphazardly to realize the hand’s full promise.
A very thin and light line indicates a lack of forcefulness which interferes with success.
Breaks in the line of destiny show some obstacle in the career sufficiently strong to interrupt it. The obstacle overcome if the break is healed over by a square. The interruption will be less serious if the break is carried by a sister line paralleling the broken line of destiny.
Sometimes, the line of destiny takes up an entirely new course after a break, showing that the interference has directed you into new endeavors.
Whether the change is to your benefit is shown by the quality of the line, both before and after the break.
Should the line be stronger and clearer when it resumes its course, your new career be more promising than the abandoned one.
Frequently, I find the line of destiny cut by either the line of head or the line of heart, sometimes both, with marked breaks occurring at the crossing.
An interference that comes from the line of head, shows that some mistake in judgment has caused his life’s work to be interrupted.
If the line of head actually stops the Saturn line in its ascent (see plate 45), poor judgment has seriously blocked your chances of success. Such ill omens are, however, not permanent unless you allow yourself to be discouraged by them.

Fate lines that have thus stopped, begin a new growth as courage returned and the person tried to build another career.
Sometimes, the new line is of much better quality than the one which ended so ominously.
Interference with the line of Saturn from the line of heart shows emotional unbalance to be the cause of an upset.
Here again, as in the case of hindrance from the line of head, the seriousness of the break must be judged both from:
- the indications of healing which are present, such as a square or a parallel line,
- the course and strength of the line of Saturn after the break.
The space between the lines of head and heart is frequently the least promising portion of the line of destiny.
This period is from about 30 to 45 years old, often the most active of one’s life.
The end of the Saturn line here shows whether or not he is able to overcome the vicissitudes and demands of life at that age.
If it becomes stronger after having passed the line of heart, the middle years will enrich your life and make success taste sweeter.
Saturn becomes wavery, thin and broken at its end, then the difficulties of this period will have proved too much.
The black and white differences line of which the old superstition of palmistry assigned to such marks cannot be accepted blindly.
I have found hands which indicated extreme misfortune completely changed as their owners understood their difficulties and overcame them.
Weakening Lines
All lines cutting across the line of Saturn weaken it.
Their place of origin will usually explain their nature.
Lines rising from the mount of Luna indicate that impractical, fantastic imagination is proving an obstacle.
Lines from the mount of Venus, that sloth and love of good living are interfering with a successful career.
The line of Saturn always ends on the mount of Saturn unless it is stopped before reaching that point. The exception is a turn towards the mount of Jupiter, and its significance is that success will be due to ambition.
Ending on Saturn is a good one, showing logical fulfillment of the talents contained in the hand.
Lines running into the line of Saturn strengthen it, revealing the source of the strength they bring by their origin and direction.
Though the line of Saturn does not vary much in its termination, it may begin from a number of places.
Its most usual and normal origin is from the center of the palm near the wrist. It shows that a person has taken his direction fairly early in life.
When the line of destiny begins from the line of life* (see plate 46), a person’s own efforts are largely responsible for whatever success he attains. The higher on the line of life the beginning of the Saturn line, the later will success be achieved.
Superphysics Note
The opposite is shown by a line of destiny originating on the mount of Luna, later merges into the line of heart (see plate 47). This aid is likely due to a brilliant and most fortunate marriage, combining an ideal relationship with wealth and ease.
A line of destiny beginning at the wrist and making its way straight and unbroken to the base of mount Saturn, without branches or influences of any kind along its entire length, marks a person out as a plaything of fate, tossed about by forces more powerful than he.
With a star at both the origin and termination of a fate line of this character, you can also expect some awful, twisted kind of fame or notoriety.