Superphysics Superphysics

The Signature of Natural Things

The Signature of Natural Things by Paracelsus
The Signature of Natural Things
Chapter 1
The Signature of Natural Things →
The Monstrous signs of Men
Chapter 2
The Monstrous signs of Men →
The Astral Signs of Physiognomy in Man
Chapter 3
The Astral Signs of Physiognomy in Man →
The Astral Signs of Chiromancy
Chapter 4
The Astral Signs of Chiromancy →
Mineral Signes
Chapter 5
Mineral Signes →
What is Sciomancy?
Chapter 5b
What is Sciomancy? →
Some peculiar Signes of Naturall and Supernaturall things
Chapter 5c
Some peculiar Signes of Naturall and Supernaturall things →