Oil of Sulphur Transmutes Gems
February 24, 2024 4 minutes • 787 words
For you see how great Transmutations of Gemmes there lies in oyle of Sulphur. For any Crystall may bee tinged, and Transmuted in it, and in time bee exalted with divers colours, as to bee made like to the Hyacinth, Granat, or Rubie.
To Transmute the Loadstone into great strength. Know also that the Loadstone may be transmuted into a tenfold greater power, and virtue, and it is done thus:
Take the Loadstone, and heat it very hot in coales, but so that it bee not fired, which presently quench in the Oyle of Crocus Martis, made of the best Carinthian Steel, that it may imbibe as much as it can.
Thou shalt by this meanes make the Loadstone so powerfull, that you maist pull out Nailes out of a wall with it, and doe such like wonderfull things with it, that the common Loadstone can never doe.
Moreover, in Transmutation of Gemmes you must know that the world is placed in two degrees of Tincture, and Coagulation.
To transmute the white of an Egge into Amber of any Colour. For as the white of an Egge may bee tinged with Saffron, and then bee coagulated into a faire yellow Amber: with the smoke of a Pine-tree into blacke Amber: with Verdegrease into green, like Lapis Armenius: with green juice into Amber, like the Emerald: and with the Azure stone, into blew Amber, like a Saphir:[Pg 76] with the Wood called red Wood, into red, like a Granat, or Rubie: with a purple colour, like to an Amethyst: with Ceruse, like to Alabaster.
So all Liquors, especially metals, and Mineralls, may bee tinged with fixed colours, and afterwards bee coagulated, and transmuted into Gemmes.
How counterfeit Pearls are made. So also may Pearles be made like true Pearles in form, so that for splendor, and beauty they can hardly bee discerned from the true: And they are made thus:
Cleanse the white of Egges through a spunge, as purely as may bee, then mingle with it the fairest white Talke, or Mother of Pearle, or Mercury coagulated with Tinne, and brought into an Alcool, then grinde them all together on a Marble, so that they become a thick Amalgama, which must bee dryed in the Sunne, or behind a furnace so long, untill it bee like Cheese, or a Liver.
Then of this masse make Pearles as big as you wilt, which hang upon the bristles of a Hog, and being thus boared through, dry them as Amber, and then you hast finished them.
If they are not beautifull enough, anoint them over with the white of an Egge, and dry them again, and they will bee most goodly pearls, in form like the naturall, but not in virtue.
In the like manner are Coralls made, with which men endeavour to deceive one the other as with Pearle. The processe is this:
How counterfeit Coralls may be made.
Take Cinnabar, grinde it on a Marble, with the white of an Egge, for the space of an houre, then dry it, as Potters doe their Earth, then make it into what forme you pleasest: Afterwards dry them as much as may bee, and noint them over with the white of an Egge, as you didst Pearle, and dry them by themselves again.
So you shalt have Corall like to the naturall in form, but not in virtue.
A Golden or Silver varnish.
Thou must also know, That the white of an Egge may bee of it self coagulated into most cleer Vernish, in the coagulation of which Silver, or Gold may bee strewed.
There are also many other, and various Transmutations of Naturall things: Whereof those which I know, and have had experience of, I will by the way set down, and briefly declare to you.
How wood is made a stone. And first of all know, That any Wood, if it bee put for a certaine time into the water of Salt Gemme, is turned with much admiration into a Stone.
Coales of stones. Also Stones in the Ætnean fire are transmuted into Coales, which are called stony Coals.
Glew of skins. Also Glew is boiled out of Skinnes.
Paper of Linnen-cloath. Of Linnen cloth is made Paper.
Silke of Flax. Of Flax boiled in sharp Lie made of the Ashes of Wood is Silke made.
Feathers may bee Spun. Also the feathery parts pulled off from quills, and boiled in that Lie, may bee spun, and weaved like Cotton.
Any Oyle or Spermatick mucilage may bee coagulated into Vernish.
Any Liquor into Gumme, &c.
All these are Transmutations of Naturall things, of which Science wee have spoken enough, and there wee shall here make an end.