February 24, 2024 2 minutes • 413 words
Vegetabilia are things that grow by having a root fixt in the earth, and having stock, branches in the aire, as hearbes, plants, and trees, &c.
Veneris gradus is a mild and sweet nature.
Verto is the fourth part of a pound.
Viltrum philosophorum is an Alembick, but being taken absolutely is a strainer.
Vinum correctum is the Alcool of Wine.
Vinum essatum is Wine impregnated with the virtues of hearbs or any thing else.
Viriditas salis is the green oyle of salt.
Virgulta fossorum are certain rods which Miners use to discover mines withall.
Viscaleus is Misleto.
Viscus is properly pitch boiled out of the tender tops of trees.
Viscus secundæ generationis is bloud dropping from salts.
Visio is a supernatural apparition of spirits after a manner seen by men.
Vitriolatum is Vitriall which is liquid, and never can be coagulated.
Vitriolum Novum is white Vitriall.
Vlcus æstiomenum is a cancerous aposteme that feeds upon the place.
Vmbragines are Pigmies.
Vmbratiles are astrall bodies.
Vndæ, or Vndenæ are aiery, and earthy spirits.
Vndosa are called the excrements of any Animalls.
Vnitas Trithemii is the reduction of the number of Three into a unity by casting away the number of Two, and it is supernaturall, and spagiricall.
Vniones are pretious pearls, or gemmes.
Volans, or Vnquasi is Quicksilver.
Volatile is in generall any light matter which is carryed upward.
Vrina vini is Vineger, and sometimes it is used for the urine of a man that always drinks wine.
Vulcanii, or Vulcanici are such as always worke about the fire.
Vulcanus is fire.
Vzifur is Cinnabar.
W. Warnus is the Vineger of Philosophers.
Wismodt is Tin that is foule and immalleable, and cannot be wrought upon.
X. X enectum is any outward medicine hanged about the body as a preservative against the Plague.
Xeninephidei are spirits which delight to discover the secret or occult properties of nature unto men, the power of which is granted to them.
Xisinum is Vineger.
Y. Yrcus is a Male Goat, whose blood is said to soften glasse, and flints, &c.
Ysopus is the art of Alchymy to separate pure from impure.
Z. Z aidar is Mercury.
Zaidir is Copper or Verdegrease.
Zarfa is Tin.
Zelotum is stony Mercury.
Zerus is Gold.
Zoraba is Vitriall.
Zinck is a metallic marcasite, and a certain naturall mixture of four immature metals, whereof Copper is most apparent.
Ziniar is Verdegrease.
Zuitter, or Zitter, is a Marcasite.
Zymar, or Zysar is Verdegrease.