Superphysics Superphysics


by Paracelsus
February 24, 2024 5 minutes  • 954 words

Sagani are spirits of the four Elements.

Sal aluminosum is salt which is extracted out of alumen plumosum.

Sal anathron is salt extracted out of the stony mosse.

Sal crystallinum is salt made out of mans urine.

Sal Calcotharinum is salt which is made out of the Colcothar of Vitrial.

Sal congelatum is salt which grows in baths.

Sal enixum is salt dissolved.

Sal Mercurii is the spirit of the wine which causeth drunkennesse.

Sal petre is that which grows in cold places upon stones, congealed by the cold aire.

Sal nitrum is salt which is boiled out of the earth, especially fat earth, as in stables, or any place of excrements.

Sal practicum is a mixture made of equall parts, of Salt-petre, and Salt Armoniack.

Sal scissum, and alumen scissum are all one.

Sal taberzet, is whitest Tartar of all.

Salamandri are spirits dwelling in the fire, or fiery men.

Saldini the same as Salamandri.

Sallena is the a kind of Salt-petre.

Saltabari is sal Alembrot.

Saltz, sultz, Selenipum, is brine.

Samech is Tartar.

Sandaracha is Auripigmentum.

Sanguis calcetus is that which is of as quick a tast as Calx, and as white.

Saphirea materia is a liquor, in which there is no impurity, or corruption, the pure being separated from the impure.

Sapo sapientiæ is common salt prepared.

Saxifraga are all such things which break the stone, or gravell.

Saxifragus is pale Crystall.

Scacurcula is the spirit of a bone in the heart of a Hart.

Scaiolæ are the spirituall powers, and faculties of the mind, and are four, according to the number of the Elements.

Scirona is the dew of Autumne.

Scuma is the same as squama.

Sedativa are medicines that allay pain.

Semen veneris are called squama aris.

Senio maximus is the Author of long life.

Sephirus is a hard, and dry aposteme.

Seraphin is an unutterable virtue, an infinite power of the heaven, and especially the assembly of Angels.

Serpheta is a medicine melting a stone.

Sibar is Quicksilver.

Silo is earth.

Similitudines are called celestiall appearances.

Simus is Gilla.

Sinonia is white glew of the joints.

Sirones are pustles or wheals, in the hands especially.

Sirza is eschara.

Sol in homine is the invisible fire flowing from the celestiall Sun, preserving and nourishing that naturall fire in man.

Soladini are corporeall spirits dwelling in the invisible fire.

Somnia are operations which are made in man by the stars when he is sleeping.

Sonath is Anthos.

Sophia herba is the best kind of bone-wort.

Sophistæ are sometimes taken for Masters of any art, or the wisest in any art; or sometimes for sophisters, i.e. Deceivers, or Mountebankes.

Sortilegium, is a presage by spirits.

Spagiria is commonly taken for Alchymie.

Spagirus, or spagiricus is he which knows to distinguish betwixt good, and bad, to separate pure from impure, or a Chymist, or Alchymist.

Spara is the Minerall virtue out of the first being of metals.

Sperma aquæ fortis is its feculency.

Sperniolum is a mucilaginous liquor of frogs.

Spiritus Animalis is a power of the soul whereby it becomes like to the heavens.

Stannar is called the mother of metals, an occult fume out of which Elements are generated.

Staraphaxat is a restringing or repercussive virtue.

Stellio adustus is Cinnabar.

Stibium is Antimony.

Stiptica are drying medicines.

Struma is Butium.

Sublimatio is when any dry matter is forced upward by the heat of fire.

Succubus is a nocturnall spirit, whereby men are deceived, thinking they are coupling with women.

Sulphur vitriolatum is sulphur extracted out of vitriall by common water swiming on the top of it.

Sulphur rerum is many times taken for their quintessence.

Supermonicum is Ænigmaticall.

Sylo is the whole world.

Sylphes are Pigmies.

Sylvestres, or sylvani are aiery men, and aiery spirits, sometimes they are taken for woodmen that are strong giganticall men.

Syphita prava is a disease called S. Vitus his dance.

Syphita stricta is a phantastick spirit of them that walke in their sleep.


Talcum is a clear shining matter, like to pearls in colour, compacted with thinne leaves or flakes, whereof there bee foure kinds, viz. white, yellow, red, and blacke.

Tassus is a worme.

Tartarum is a hard saltish dregs that sticks to the sides of Wine vessels; also it is often taken for stones or gravell in mens bodies.

Telon is as it were a dart of fire.

Temperatum is that which exceeds not in any quality.

Tenacitas glutinis is minerall refine.

Tereniabin is the fatnesse of manna, or wood-hony, which is found in good quantity in the moneths of Iune, Iuly, August.

Terra argenti is Litharge of silver.

Terra auri is Litharge of Gold.

Terra fidelis is silver.

Terra Hispanica is Vitriall.

Terrelati are corporeall spirits living in the earth.

Testa is the skin of mans body.

Thamatica is an art of inventing engines which are moved by aire, and water.

Thaphneus is a clean purified medicine.

Thisma is minerall veins.

Tinkar is Borax.

Tinctura is that which tingeth any body with its colour.

Toruscula is a drop.

Tracksat is a metall, as yet in its mine.

Trarames are actions of spirits not seen, but heard.

Trifertes are called spirits dwelling in the fire.

Trigonum is a fourefold transmutation of the spirits of the stars according to the number of the four Elements.

Tronus, or Tronossa is called the celestiall dew made of the air, or the sweetest kind of Manna.

Truphat is an occult virtue of Mineralls, by which they act toward that end for which they were ordaind.

Turba magna is an innumerable multitude of the celestiall stars, and is a presage made by any of them.

Turbith minerale is Mercury precipitated into a sweetnesse without any corrosive.

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