February 24, 2024 13 minutes • 2737 words
Iassa is the hearb of the Trinity.
Icteritia rubea is an Erisipelas.
Idea, is a figure of a thing conceived in the imagination as a perpetuall being, or a pattern of all things of that nature.
Idiotæ are contemners of true arts, although they are skilfull professors of the false.
Iesahach is supernaturall.
Ignis leonis is the Element it self of fire.
Ignis Persicus is a hot burning ulcer.
Ignis pruinus adeptus is the quintessence of vitriall rectified with tartar.
Ilech crudum is a composition of the first matter of the three first principles.
Ilech magnum is an Ascendent or a star of a medicine, which together is taken with it, in which also it is hid; and as the superiour stars are in the firmament, so also are the inferiour in man.
Ilech primum is the first Principle.
Ilech supernaturale is a conjunction of the supernaturall, and firmamentall stars, with the inferiour stars of terrestiall things, and with wine.
Ileidus is the Elementary aire: but in men it is the spirit which passeth through all his members.
Iliaster, or Iliastes, or Iliadum, is the first matter of all things, consisting of Sulphur, Mercury, and Salt; and it is fourefold according to the number of the Elements. The first is the chaos of the Earth, the second is the chaos of the Water, the third is the chaos of the Aire, the fourth the chaos of the Fire. Also there are four Iliastri of men respecting long life.
Iliaster in generall is called the occult virtue of Nature, by which all things are increased, nourished, multiplyed, and flourish; of which you shall read more at large in the book of Paracelsus concerning the generations of Meteors.
Iliaster primus is the tearm of life, or the life it self, or the balsome of life in man.
Iliaster secundus is the term of the balsome, and the life which we have by Elements, and things elementated.
Iliaster tertius the term of the balsome, or life which we have by the quintessence of things.
Iliaster magnus, or quartus is of the mind, or soule caught up into another world, as Enoch, and Eliah were.
Imaginatio is a star in man, a celestiall and supercelestiall body.
Imagines are metallic figures, or effigies, in which the celestiall powers operate.
Impressiones are fruits as of stars in inferior things.
Impurum alcali, is spume which is taken from it in purging of it.
Inanimati are Pigmies.
Inclinatio is a power of Nature which is manifested in man as he is prone to this or that thing.
Incarnativa are Chirurgeons medicaments breeding flesh and skinne in the wounds or ulcers.
Incubus is a nocturnall spirit deceiving Women in their sleep, as if they coupled with them.
Influentia is the acting of superiour bodies upon inferiours.
Innaturalia are supernaturall bodies.
Ios is poison.
Iumnizum is Leaven, or Ferment.
Iupiter is Tin.
K. K achimia, or Kahimia is the unripe Mine of any Metall, as it is in its first being.
Kald is Vineger.
Kali is Sope ashes.
Kamir is Ferment.
Kaprili is Sulphur.
Karena is the twentyeth part of a drop.
Karlina is wild dill.
Kibrith is Sulphur.
Kimit elevatum is white Cinnabar sublimed.
Kist, or Cist, is half a gallon, or four pints.
Kobalt, or Cobaltum, or Cobletum, is a metallic matter blacker then Lead, or Iron, without a metallic splendor, yet will be melted, and malleated.
Kymenna is a buble.
Kyram is Snow.
L. L abor Sophiæ is Paradise, or another world.
Lac Virginis is Mercuriall water.
Lapis is taken for any fixt thing.
Lapis Philosophorum is the highest virtue of all terrene things, giving tincture.
Lapsus Demotinus is a suddaine death, more dangerous then an Apoplexy.
Laterium are capitall lees which Sope-boilers use, of which Chirurgions make their causticke called Lapis infernalis.
Lato is copper tinged with lapis calaminaris into a golden colour.
Laudanum is a compound medicine made of Gold, Corall, Pearle, &c. by Paracelsus.
Laudina is Angelica.
Laxa Chimolea is salt growing to stones.
Laxativa are medicines working upwards, and downwards.
Leffa is called the predestination of hearbs.
Leffas is an occult boiling vapour of the earth, by which hearbs and plants grow.
Lemures are spirits of the Element of Aire, which Heathen think to bee ghosts of men departed.
Lephante, or Lephantes is the first kind of Tartar, or Bole, holding the midle betwixt stones, & clay.
Lethargyrium in Paracelsus is the spume of Mercury, or of Silver, or of Lead, which is separated in their purifying, and purging.
Lethargius is the finder of Mines.
Limbus in Paracelsus is the great and universall world, the seed, and first matter of man.
Liquidum de resoluto, is that which is liquid of its own nature.
Liquor is many times taken for oyle, when the name of the thing of which it is a Liquor, is put to it.
Liquor Aquilegius is destilled Wine.
Liquor essentialis is that humour which is turned into flesh, and bloud.
Liquor herbarum is made of hearbs pounded and pressed, and digested.
Liquor Mercurii is the balsome of things, in which the virtue of curing or healing consists.
Liquor Mumiæ is the fat of a Man.
Liquor Mumiæ de gummi is oyle of Gumme.
Liquor salis is the balsome of Nature, by which the body is preserved from putrefaction.
Locus vitæ is the seat of the mind or soul.
Locustæ are tops of boughs of trees, as yet tender and green.
Lorindt is the commotion of waters, or a harmony made by them.
Ludus is a medicine that cures the stone by dissolving of it.
Lumbrici Nitri are worms found in the earth, or mud, so called for their slipperinesse.
Luna is Silver.
Luna compacta is Quicksilver.
Lunaria is the Sulphur of Nature.
Lustrum is the creame of Milk.
M. M acha is a flying worm.
Magia in generall is wisdome, and it is twofold. Naturall, which is lawfull, and is the ground of all true Physick, and the occult wisdome of Nature, without which all mans reason or knowledge is ignorance. The other is Diabolicall, superstitious, and unlawful, and is called Necromancy, whereby men attaine to the knowledge of things by the assistance of evill spirits.
Magia Metaphysica is an art lawfull for Christians to use, by which any occult secrets are discovered.
Magisterium is in Paracelsus any secret extracted out of naturall things without any Elementary separation, with which other things are wont to bee prepared; yet with the addition only of other things from which that which is extracted is separated.
Magnalia are peculiar works of God.
Magnesia is commonly taken for a Marcasite, but that which is artificial is melted Tinne into which is put Quicksilver, and both mixt into a brittle matter, and white masse.
Magneticus tartarus is a stone, in a man as hard as a Loadstone, and spongious.
Magoreum is a Magick medicament, or secret.
Maius noster is our dew, and the philosophicall Loadstone.
Malek is Salt.
Mandella is the seed of black Hellebor.
Mandibularum liquor is oyle of jaw bones.
Mangonaria is an art used in weights, whereby that which is made heavy is easily made light.
Manna is not only called a dew faln from heaven, which is a kind of balsome or fruit of the aire, but also it is taken for any sweet matter extracted out of any thing.
Marcasita is an unripe matter of metals, and it is of as many kinds as there be metals.
Marmoreus tartarus, is a stone in man as hard as a marble.
Martath, or Martach is Letharge.
Mater metallorum is Quicksilver.
Materia saphirea is an homogeneal liquor, in which there is no offending matter.
Matrices rerum are Elements.
Maturativa are medicines that Chirurgeons use to ripen any aposteme.
Mechanopeotica is an invention of water-workes to carry waters by pipes into high places, or the like.
Melaones, or Meloes are Beetles that fly, and are of a golden colour, and being rubbed make a sweet smell; they are commonly found in Meadows in the moneth of May.
Melibæum is Copper.
Melissa is in Alchymie taken for Manna extracted out of the best hearbs.
Mensis Philosophicus is the full time of Digestion, viz. forty dayes.
Mercurius à naturâ coagulatus is a solid Metal.
Mercurius Corallinus, is that which by yelkes of egges, and other waters, is brought into a rednesse like Corall.
Mercurius Crudus is that which is not yet separated from its Mine.
Mercurius Crystallinus, is that which by often sublimations is brought into a cleernesse like Crystall.
Mercurius laxus is Turbith Mineral.
Mercurius metallorum præcipitatus is Mercury extracted out of metals and precipitated.
Mercurius mineralium is an oylinesse extracted out of the Mines of Gold, and Silver.
Mercurius regeneratus is the first being of Mercury.
Mercurialis seva is the water of Allum.
Menstruum is a liquor wherein any thing is dissolved, or digested.
Metallum currens is Quicksilver.
Microcosmus is a little world, or man.
Minium is the Mercury, or rather Crocus of Lead precipitated.
Missadam is Quicksilver.
Mitigativa are Chirurgicall medicines which allay paine.
Monstra are Animalls which either have not proper parents, and are not born of things like to themselves, or have some defect, or excesse in Nature: but of this see more in the first book of the foregoing Treatise.
Morus is an aposteme like to a Mulberry.
Mulæ are pustles arising from heat, or cold.
Mumia is not only mans flesh seasoned with balsom, but any other flesh thus prepared.
Mumia Elementorum is the balsome of externall Elements.
Mumia transmarina in Paracelsus is Manna.
Mumia versa is the liquor of mummie.
Muria is brine.
Muscilago is a viscous liquor.
Mundificativa are cleansing medicines.
Mustus is the white Calx in urine.
Myssadar is Mercury.
Mysterium magnum is the first matter of all things.
N. N acta is an aposteme of the breast.
Narcotica are medicines causing sleep.
Nasda or Natta is a bunch in the back.
Neboch is an instrument used in Necromancy.
Nebulgea is salt of the moisture of a cloud falling upon stones in meadowes, and hardened with the heat of the sun.
Necrolica are medicaments expelling death, and preserving life.
Necromancy is an unlawfull art, which did in time of old worke with the dead, as when the stars were manifested with the dead. And he is truly called a Necromancer, who can make the dead appeare, and can draw words and answers from them.
Nenufareni, are spirits dwelling in the aire.
Neutha, or Neuta, is a little skin growing to the eares, or eyes of infants, and sometimes covering the whole body.
Nigromancy is a wicked, and execrable art, whereby devils, and wicked spirits suffer themselves to bee commanded by man, and obey them, but only to their hurt.
Nitriales are all burning things which conduce to calcination.
Nitrum is Salt-petre.
Nodi are hard tumours of the joints.
Nostoch is that which we call a falling star, a kind of gelly or slime found oftentimes in the summer in fields, and meadowes.
Nuba is a kind of red Manna which falls in Ireland.
Nymphæ, or Nymphidicæ, are spirituall men, or women, or corporeall spirits dwelling in waters, such a one was Melusina.
Nymphidica are metaphorically spirits of dissolving waters in the spagiricall art.
Nysadir is salt Armoniack.
O. O brizum is pure gold calcined by art into a light red colour.
Ocob is salt Armoniack.
Odorifera are medicines, which by their odour, whether good or bad, expell diseases.
Oleitas rerum is the sulphur in all things.
Oleum ardens is oyle of Tartar corrected to the highest degree.
Oleum Calcotharinum is red oyle of Vitriall.
Oleum squaminum is oyle of Tartar.
Oleum Vitrioli aurificatum, is that which is dulcified with gold artificialy.
Olympicus spiritus is a star in man, that makes him to yeeld a shadow of himself.
Operimethiolim is the spirit of Mineralls.
Oppilativa are medicines which stop fluxes.
Oppodeltoch in Paracelsus is an ointment.
Opopyron Laudani is Paracelsus his medicine to stop feavers.
Ordoleum is a little aposteme like a barley corne.
Orexis is a heat caused by tartarous matter.
Organopeotica is an Art finding out warlike instruments.
Orizonæternitatis is the supercelestiall virtue of things.
Orizeum is Gold.
Orizeum foliatum is Leaf-gold.
Orizeum præcipitatum is Gold brought into a Crocus, by the help of the Crocus of Mercury.
Orobo is the glasse of metals.
Ossa paraleli are a universall medicine in the Gout.
Ovum Philosophicum is a glasse of the form of an egge which Philosophers use in their operations.
Ozo is Arsenick.
P. P andalitium, Paneritium, or Passa, is an aposteme in the ends of the fingers, called a white flaw.
Panna is a naturall spot.
Pars cum parte is a mass consisting of equal parts of Gold, and Silver.
Pauladadum is a kind of terra sigillata growing in Italy.
Pelicanus is a circulatory, or circulating vessell.
Penates are spirits of the Element of Fire, called Familiars.
Pentacula are signs, or delineaments engraven with wonderfull and strange letters, and images, which being hanged about the neck, are said to be preservatives against evill spirits, and witcheries.
Percipiolum is any medicine that is approved.
Perdetæ are rapes small and yellow.
Perdomium is wine made out of hearbs.
Periodus is the term of life.
Peucedamum is English Angelica.
Phantasmata are spirits of the wood, or the desert, which live in any obscure place.
Phiala is a viall, or glasse bottle.
Pionitides are naturall enemies which persecute one the other to death, as the Storke, and Frogs, &c.
Phenix is the quintessence of Fire; also the Philosophers stone.
Physiognomy is an Art whereby mens natures, and conditions are perceived by their faces.
Plumbum Philosophorum is that which is extracted out of Antimony.
Porosa is S. Johns-wort.
Præsagium is some notable sign of something to come.
Preservativa are medicines preserving bodies from corruption.
Primales called fallacious bodies which are by the stars put before our eyes.
Pruinum is the first kind of Tartar.
Pruina is Ignis Persicus.
Pulpezia is a suddain astonishment or change in a mans body by reason of the stars.
Pusta is the digestion of corrupt matter.
Pygmeæ are called artificial men, and sometimes subterraneall spirits.
Pyramis is a vessell made like a Pyramis.
Pyromancy is an art presaging by fire.
Q. Q ualitas is called a complexion, whether hot or cold, dry or moist, according to the predominancy of any Element.
Quartatio, or Quartura is the highest tryall of Gold, and that this way, viz. that nine parts of Silver bee mixed with one part of Gold in melting by the fire. Then let them both bee dissolved with Aqua fortis: All the Silver is turned into water, and the Gold settles to the bottome like a dark powder.
Quintessentia is called a certaine spirituall matter extracted corporeally out of hearbs, plants, and all things that have life, and the exalting of it to the highest degree of purity, by separating all impurities.
Quintum esse cujuslibet Elementi per se solum, is an animall produced out of that alone.
R. R agadiæ are apostemes of the privities.
Rana is an aposteme under the tongue.
Realgar is the fume of Mineralls being properly taken, but being metaphorically it is any vitious matter in mans body, of which grow apostemes, ulcers, or the like.
Rebis is the excrement of the belly.
Rebisola is a secret urine against the jaundise.
Rebona is the same as Mummie.
Rebus is the last matter of things.
Redue is a powder whereby calcined metals, and Mineralls are melted.
Regale is a Ciment whereby Gold is purged.
Regulus is the purest metalline part of any metall, or the purest part of a minerall, the feces being separated.
Relloleum is a virtue from the complexion, as in St. Johns-wort, the first virtue is in heat, and is healing, the other is accidentall, and occult, and is a preservative against worms, and corruption.
Repercussiva are medicines which drive back any flux.
Resina auri is a Crocus extracted out of Gold.
Resina terræ is Sulphur.
Resina terræ potabilis is sublimed Sulphur, brought into a liquor, balsome, or oyl.
Reverberatorium is a furnace in which the matter is calcined by a flame.
Rillus is an instrument which Goldsmiths use to poure their melted metals into long forms, and it is called a Jngat.
Rosea is the same as Erisipelas.
Rubella is a spirituall essence extracting by its dissolving power, the tincture out of bodies.