Superphysics Superphysics


by Paracelsus
February 24, 2024 2 minutes  • 333 words

Edelphus is any one that prognosticates by the Nature of the Elements.

Edir is steel or Iron.

Electrum is sometimes taken for Amber, but in Paracelsus it is a mixture of a compound metall made by melting all the seven planets into one body.

Elementum in Paracelsus is the corruptible, and transient essence of the world, and of all things, which are subject to change.

Elephas is Aqua fortis.

Elevation is making a thing subtile.

Elixir is properly a ferment, the least part of which turnes the whole masse of any thing into its owne kind: also it is the essence of any thing.

Emunctorium is the place of expulsion of any excrement.

Enochdianum is that which hath long life.

Entali is flaked Allum, and sometimes it is made spagirically of salt gemme.

Enur is an occult vapour of the water, by which stones are bred.

Erodinium is the sign of any thing to come.

Escara, or Estphara is black and dead flesh caused by a caustick, and is commonly called the Escar.

Essaræ are Wheales.

Essatum essentiale, is the essentiall, and power that is in Vegetables, and Mineralls.

Essatum vinum is rectified spirit of Wine.

Essentia quinta according to Paracelsus his definition, is a certain matter extracted from things purified from all manner of impurity, and corruption, whereby it is made incorruptible.

Essila is a tincture made by the heat of the sun in the face, or any other part of the body.

Essodinum is a certain presage of things to come by their marks.

Esthionemus is a most corrupt imposteme feeding upon the whole member, as a Wolfe.

Evestrum is a propheticall spirit, which presageth by signs, or something going before.

Exaltatio is the subtilizing of any thing.

Excrementa are all superfluous things ejected by Nature.

Exitura is any aposteme which casts out matter.

Exorcista is a superstitious artist which calls up spirits.

Extractum is that which is extracted out of corporeall concretion, the grossenesse being left behind.

Ezezich is Salt.

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