February 24, 2024 2 minutes • 221 words
Dardo is a successive generation by propagation.
Daura is Hellebor.
Deliquium is a cold descension, when coagulated bodies are dissolved into a liquor in any cold place.
Demotinus lapsus is suddain death.
Derses is an occult vapour of the earth, by reason of which all kind of Wood grows, and increaseth.
Descensorium is a Chymicall furnace in which the liquor falls downward from the grosse matter.
Diaceltatesson is a speciall remedy against feavers.
Diameter Spagiricus is a temperament.
Diapensia is Alchamilla, i.e. Ladies mantle.
Diaphanum is that which is transparent.
Diaphoreticum is a sweating medicine.
Diasatyrion is a confection provoking lust.
Diatessadelton is precipitated Mercury.
Dienez are spirits that dwell amongst hard stones.
Digestio is a Chymicall operation, alluding to the digestion of a Mans stomach, in which, and by which the matter is decocted into a separation of pure from impure.
Diota is a circulating vessell.
Discus solis is Quicksilver made out of Gold.
Divertalium, or Divertellum is a generation made by Elements.
Divinatio is prophecying, or foretelling.
Dracunculus is Brassatella, i.e. Adders tongue.
Dubelech is the cavity of an imposteme.
Duelech is a kind of Tartar in Mans body, or the stone in the bladder, or any other part which is spongious, and dangerous.
Duenech is Antimony.
Dulcedo Saturni, is Altey, or Ceruse.
Durdales are corporeall spirits inhabiting trees.