Chemical Dictionary
February 24, 2024 9 minutes • 1828 words
EXPLAINING Hard Places and Words met withall in the Writings of Paracelsus, and other obscure AUTHOURS.
A. Acetum Philosophorum is a Mercuriall water, or otherwise is called Virgins milke, wherein they say metals are dissolved.
Acetum radicale is Vineger distilled out of its owne roote, and matrix, and is called the Dissolving Water.
Adamita is a certain kind of Tartar.
Adech is our interiour, and invisible man, which represents the formes of all things in our mind, which afterward our outward man doth frame, and imitate with its own hands; both of them work according to their nature.
Aerdadi are corporeall spirits living in the air.
Æs doth not always signifie Copper, but sometimes Gold, or Silver, or any other Metall that is pure, and generated by it self, without the mixtion of any other Metall, or Stone; out of some such kind of Metall, they formerly made and coined money.
Æstphara is the burning of flesh, or the substance of the body into ashes.
Æthna is called Subterranean fire, invisible, and sulphureous, which burnes stones into coales, like Jeat in the mountains, which are full of Resine, and Bitumen.
Æthnici are called fiery spirits, or spirituall men burning in the fire, which appear in divers forms, and shapes, as fiery flames, firebrands, round balls of coals, and that especially in Sulphur mountains.
Alandahal, or Alhandal is Coloquintida.
Alcaest, or Altaest, is said to be prepared Mercury, some will have it to bee Tartar, but the mind of the Authour is more easily understood by the description of the preparation of it.
Alcali is called all manner of Salt, which is extracted out of ashes, or calx of any matter by boiling in lie.
Alchymia is the separation of that which is impure from a purer substance.
Alcofol, or (as some will have it Alcosol) is stibium, or Antimony.
Alcol, Alcool, or Alcohol is a most subtil powder of any thing.
Alcool vini is the spirit of Wine rectified.
Alcubrith, or Alcur, or Alazar is the same that Sulphur is.
Alembrot purified is salt of Tartar, and the Magistery of it.
Alembroth is salt of Mercury, or salt of Philosophers.
Almizadir is Verdegrease.
Altey plumbi is the sweet matter of Lead.
Alusar is Manna.
Amalgama is the making of Gold, Silver, or any other Metall into a past with Quicksilver.
Amianthus is a stone like to Alumen plumosum in nature, and condition; it is not burnt in the fire, wherefore it is also called the Salamander.
Amidum, or Amilum is the whitest flowre made into bread in the Sun.
Amnis alcalisatus is water passing through the chalk of the earth, out of which Alcali is taken.
Amygdale, with Chirurgions is called the superfluous flesh which growes at the roote of the tongue.
Anachmus is an incorporeall spirit.
Anathron, or Anachthron is a kind of Salt growing upon rocks like white, and stony mosse, some call it salt nitre. The ancients falsly thought it to bee the gall of glasse, seeing it is rather the gall of stones.
Anatomia Essata is the mother of diseases.
Anatrum is glasse melted into divers colours, which they call smaltum, or terra Sarasenica.
Andena is Steel brought from the orientall countries, which melts in the fire like other Metall, and is cast into severall forms.
Anthos in Vegetables signifies Rosemary flowers, and in metals it signifies the Elixir or quintessence of Gold.
Anticar is Borax.
Anatris, or Antaris is Mercury.
Aniada are the fruits, and virtues of paradise, and heaven, also the sacraments of Christians, in naturall Philosophy it signifies the Astrall virtues, and celestiall, as they conduce by their influence unto long life.
Aniaday signifies an eternall spring, a new world to come, or paradise.
Aniadum is a celestiall body planted in us Christians by the Holy-ghost, by the holy sacraments, or it is the spirituall man regenerated in us.
Aniadus is the efficacy of things.
Anima is our Mercury.
Anima Saturni is the sweetnesse of Lead.
Annora is the ashes of Egs, or Quick-lime.
Annus Aniadin is a long life.
Annus Platonicus is a common moneth, or an age.
Anodus is that which is separated from the nutriment by the kidnies.
Anodyna are Medicines procuring sleep.
Anontagius is the Philosophers stone.
Anotasier, Aliocab or Alemzadar is Salt Armoniack.
Antera is a Medicine extracted out of hyacinths, also that yellow which growes in the middle of Lillies, and the like.
Anterit is Mercury.
Anthonor, or Athonar is a furnace.
Aphorismus is a generall rule in Physick, taken for granted.
Aqua celestina is Mercuriall water.
Aqua Celestis is rectified Wine, being in some sort made like to the heaven for subtilty, and purenesse.
Aqua corrodens is Vineger, and all Corrosive Liquor.
Aqua fecum vini, is that which is made of the ashes of the lees of Wine, dissolved upon a marble like oyle of Tartar.
Aqua lubricata is made of mucilaginous things, as Sugar, Juleps, and the like.
Aqua permanens is that which is made of two most perfect Metalline bodies by a Philosophicall solution.
Aqua Saturnia is that which retains in it self the nature of the three Principles, as are Bath-waters, which are naturally medicinable.
Aqua solvens is distilled Vineger.
Aquaster is a vision representing something to our eyes, sometimes which truly is not, but only in appearance.
Aquila is the Queen of birds, and it is used for salt Armoniack by reason of its lightnesse in sublimation. But Paracelsus will have it in many places to be taken for Mercury precipitated with gold.
Aquila Philosophorum is the Mercury of metals i.e. Metall reduced into its first matter.
Arbor Maris is Corall, which grows like a shrub in the sea.
Arcanum in generall as it signifies any thing that is hid, so in Paracelsus it signifies any secret incorporeall virtue in naturall things, partaking of a perpetuall, and immortal life, derived upon it from heaven, which also may bee multiplyed by the Spagiricall art above its former condition.
Archaltes, is in Paracelsus the foundation of the earth, or a pillar, which seems not to be upheld by its fellows, but as it were by a wonderfull providence of God.
Archeius is the highest, exalted, and invisible spirit, which is separated from bodies, is exalted, and ascends, the universall occult nature, operator, and Physitian in all things. So Archiatrus is the supream Physitian of Nature, which distributes to every thing and every member their peculiar Archeius occultly by Ares. Also Archeius is the first in Nature, the most secret virtue, producing all things out of Iliaste, being supported by a divine power. Ares is the dispenser of Nature hid in all the three principles, whence every thing hath its being, and which disposeth to all things in a particular form, shape, and substance, that it may put on its own proper specifical nature, & not anothers. But you must note, the difference betwixt these 3 in nature, to speak after the manner of schools. Iliastes is the substance of the highest genus, or kind consisting in the first universall matter of all things, which it doth first dispose into three kinds, viz. into Sulphur, Mercury, and salt. The Archeius is the first dispenser of Nature, and then it produceth all things into its next genera or kinds. Then comes Ares another dispenser of Nature, which produceth from kinds, or genera, forms, and species into individualls.
Ardentia are such things which having received no food, are by their owne nature subject to burnings, as Amber, Turpentine, Jeat, and such like.
Aridura is the totall consumption of the body, and parts thereof.
Arles crudum is drops falling in the moneth of Iune, like May dew.
Aromata, are all such things, which yeeld a sweet, and gratefull smell.
Aroph is Mandrake.
Arsaneck is sublimed Arsenick.
Arsenicum is the flashing of metals, or the salt of them, or of Saturn, which in some places is called Artanek, or Artanech.
Artetiscus is he that wants any member.
Arthoicum is red oyle, artificialy extracted out of the rootes of Hearbs digested with bread in dung.
Asaphatum is an itch bred betwixt the skin, and the flesh, like worms: and if the skinne bee crushed, long threds with black heads come forth.
Ascendentia signa are called either the stars of the Firmament of heaven, or the sydereall spirits.
Asphaltum is a Bitumen extracted from the mudde of the earth, and water, and is like pitch.
Assala is called a Nutmeg.
Assaliæ vermes are those wormes which breed in wood, or betwixt two boards, and they are called Teredones.
Asthma is a disease of the lungs causing difficulty of breathing.
Astrum is in this place called the virtue and power got by the preparations of things as the star of Sulphur is its inflaming which is turned into most excellent oyle: so the star of salt is its resolution into water, or oyle, which thereby receives more virtues then it had before. The star of Mercury is its sublimation, by which it acquires a wonderfull power, and virtue, greater, and more subtile then its naturall.
Astrum ex igne, is a burning Fire of great impression.
Athanor, or Athanar is a furnace in the spagirical Art, but especially a reverberatory, sometimes of other use as the artificer pleaseth.
Attractiva are called magnetick medicaments, which have a power to draw to them such things as are compounded of the like attractives.
Attramentum signifies divers things according to the adjective that is put to it: as that which Shoomakers use, is Copperis, such as is red within: that which Writers use, is called inke, sooty, and it is called blacking, also all kinds of Copperis.
Augurista is called a superstitious Artist who practiseth his Art in Looking-glasses, Chrystalls, and in Waters, especially in the singing, and flying of birds, that he may presage by them; he also observes other rites for the same cause.
Aurum planatum is that which they call Leafe Gold, or malleated Gold.
Aurum potabile is liquor of Gold, without any Corrosive, which very few know, yea of those who daily prepare it rather to the destruction, then health of men.
Aurum vitæ is precipitated Gold, and reverberated into the highest degree of rednesse, like ground Cinnabar. That is the best which is made, and precipitated with its proper Mercury.
Aurum vivum is sometimes taken for Quicksilver.
Austromantia is a certain kind of superstition invented, concerning the observation of Winds, as when the stars of the Winds break forth into great vehemency, contrary to their custome, whence men that are more idle then rationall, pronounce a presage of something to come.
Avis Hermetis is the Mercury of Philosophers, which ascends, and then descends for nourishment.
Axungia de Mumia, or Mumia de Medullis is the marrow of Bones.
Azemasor is Minnium, or Cinnabar.
Azoth is Quicksilver extracted out of any body, and it is properly called the Mercury of the body, but in Paracelsus it is the universall medicine of things.