A New Light of Alchemy
The Origin of Physiognomy
Introduction →

The Preface →

Treatise 1
What is Nature? What Should Her Searchers Be Like? →

Treatise 2
The Operation of Nature in our intention, and in Sperme. →

Treatise 3
The true first matter of Metals →

Treatise 4
The Preface →

Treatise 5
The generation of all kinds of Stones →

Treatise 6
The second matter, and putrefaction of things →

Treatise 7
The virtue of the second matter →

Treatise 8
How by Art Nature works in Seed →

Treatise 9
The Commixtion of Metals, The drawing forth their seed →

Treatise 10
The Supernaturall Generation of the Son of the Sun →