What is Time?
5 minutes • 956 words
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There is only ONE MOMENT in all creation - the eternal NOW.
“Time” is an illusion created by consciousness.

Staying Young
When you live in the moment and do what you love to do, time is not generated at all.
- You do not create the time that you don’t experience
- Time is created after you reconnect to the mass-consensus reality of time.
If you do a thing that physically takes 30 minutes but only feels to take 5 minutes, then you actually just used 5 minutes.
Time doesn’t exist without your choice to measure it.
- Change the measurement, change the time.
The Illusion of Time
In a film projector, the individual frames of the film are shown in a rapid steady sequence - one frame at a time.
- This rapid steady sequence of STILL frames creates the ILLUSION of flowing time.
But in truth, all the actual frames that are used all exist simultaneously.
There is the illusion of “time” only when the film projector displays those frames - one frame at a time - in a rapid steady sequence.
Yet, ALL those frames exist simultaneously. In fact the projectionist can take out the roll of film, spread it out on the floor and view all those frames at the same time.
In a similar manner, our consciousness “projects” individual “still frames of reality” in a steady and extremely rapid sequence. Bashar says we do this BILLIONS of times per second - thus creating the ILLUSION of the steady flow of TIME.
Each of these individual “still frames of reality” contains absolutely NO MOTION whatsoever! It is a frozen snapshot - perfectly still. And yet, by sequencing these still frames at a steady very-fast rate, we have the ILLUSION of time - the flow of time.
(NOTE= The actutal “flash-rate” or “frame-rate” for the physical dimension that we are experiencing is an extremely tiny increment of time, defined by Plank’s constant.)
Our earthly consciousness functions like the film projector, which views these still frames only in a rapid steady sequence.
Our Higher Self functions like the film projectionist, who can take out the roll of film and view ALL the frames simultaneously. Our Higher Self functions in a timeless eternal-NOW zone.
Therefore, all time is truly NOW. Your past lives are occurring right NOW. Your future lives are occurring right NOW. All time periods are co-existing right NOW. The concept of “reincarnation” is not quite as accurate as “simultaneous multiple incarnations”.
Normally, the “reality-frames” that we view in rapid sequence are related and similar. Hence the ILLUSION of continuity.
Continuity is an ILLUSION
Continuity is an ILLUSION since one is not obligated to go from one frame to another frame that is almost the same. (The “normal” flow of time.)
It is possible to “hop” to a totally-different frame in this infinite universe.
- This is called “Time Travel”.
There is no paradox in Time Travel. The classic “grandfather paradox” of time-travel is not really a paradox at all. It states:
In reality, there are an infinite number of time-lines, all simultaneously co-existing.
- Every timetravel to the past is a hop to a different timeline which may appear to be identical to the original timeline
- Anything you do in that timeline is part of the “natural history” of that timeline.
- But there will be no change whatsoever in your original timeline.
- Hence, no paradox.
The Present
The PRESENT is not the result of the PAST. The PRESENT is the result of the PRESENT.
Creation occurs only in the PRESENT.
The PRESENT is the Now result of what you Now believe to be most true for you.
Continuity from one present moment to the next is “normal”, but is actually optional. If you suddenly make a discrete shift in beliefs, you will experience a sudden discrete shift in your Now reality.
The PRESENT is the Now result of what you Now believe to be most true for you.
The past has absolutely no effect on the present - except to the extent that you believe it does.
As you change your present (by changing your present beliefs), you are “shifting” into a different parallel reality and that different parallel reality has its own “future” and “past”. When you change your present, you are likewise also changing your past and your future.
That is, you are shifting to a totally different hologram which contains its own “past” that is consistent with its “present”, and also its own “future” which is likewise consistent with its “present”.
You create the past and the future from the here and now.
The past progressively leads to the present, but it does not cause the present.
Movies can suddenly shift from one scene to a totally different scene. Likewise, you can do too, since continuity is really not necessary.
Only the present is real. Therefore only the present can create the present.
If you insist in believing that the present is the result of the past, then you are (now) dragging the past into the present, and (now) “projecting” that this seeming past has an effect on the present.
Notice that all this “dragging the past into the present” is also all occurring ONLY in the present.
This is like dragging an anchor around, rather than simply letting go of the anchor (the past) and living freely and easily in the present.
Be free of the past, and live joyously in the present!