The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire
Book 29 of The Spirit of the Laws by Montesquieu Simplified in 19 chapters
Chapter 2
Disorders in the Eastern Empire →

Chapter 2
Justinian's Conquests and Government →

Chapter 18
Some new maxims received by the Romans →

Chapter 15
The Emperors From Caius, Calicula, to Antoninus →

Chapter 19
The Grandeur of Attila and Why the Western Empire was overturned before the Eastern →

Chapter 22b
The Iconoclast →

Chapter 15b
The State of the Empire from Antoninus to Probus →

Chapter 19
The Wars that Rome Sustained →

Chapter 22
The Weakness of the Eastern Empire →

Chapter 14
Tiberius →

Chapter 15b
Trajan →

Chapter 9
Two Causes which destroyed Rome →