The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money
Keynes lived in a time when economies boomed aftter WWI and after Central Banks shifted to the gold standard from bimetalism. This led him to enshrine money as wealth
Chapter 6b
Net Income →
Chapter 7
The Meaning of Saving and Investment Further Considered →
Chapter 7b
Forced Saving →
Chapter 7c Appendix
Appendix on User Cost →
Chapter 7d Appendix
Appendix on User Cost Past and Present →
Chapter 8
The Propensity to Consume →
Chapter 8b
The Six Objective Factors of the Propensity to Consume →
Chapter 8c
The Importance of the Propensity to Consume →
Chapter 8d
Kuznet's Data →
Chapter 9
The Subjective Factors of the Propensity to Consume →
Chapter 10
The Marginal Propensity to Consume and the Multiplier →
Chapter 10b
The Marginal Propensity to Consume and the Multiplier →