The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money
Keynes lived in a time when economies boomed aftter WWI and after Central Banks shifted to the gold standard from bimetalism. This led him to enshrine money as wealth
Chapter 2
The Postulates of Classical Economics →
Chapter 2b
Money Wages versus Real Wages →
Chapter 2c
Involuntary Employment →
Chapter 2d
Mill's Assumptions →
Chapter 3
The Principle of Effective Demand →
Chapter 3b
The General Theory's Propositions →
Chapter 3c
Ricardo's Doctrine →
Chapter 4
The Choice of Units →
Chapter 4b
Going Beyond the Natural Capacity →
Chapter 5
Expectation Determines Output and Employment →
Chapter 6
The Definition of Income, Saving and Investment →
Chapter 6b
Income Defined by Consumption →