The Warm and Wet Forces of the Planets

6 minutes • 1072 words
The philosophers surely do not see any differences between the bodies near us and the celestial bodies.
So, we will let them to process in peace these fundamental and earthly differences between celestial bodies.
It is better to say something what does not include any obvious nonsense, than to be silent together.
I am not sure if we wouldn´t rather look for the the spiritual and celestial qualities in ruby, which gives weak light, than to seek for the basic warm qualities of the Sun.
Saturn stands out as wet, but it has an insufficiency of warmth.
It means that its nature is alike to the ice (which is also very wet and the water does not have any warmth at all), therefore it has pale, lead-like surface, and its inner nature is more dense and not completely lucid.
Astrologers shall say that Saturn is of cold and dry nature, which is almost the same.
As Saturn makes the summer rainy and winter snowy, it deserves to be defined as wet.
Jupiter is like a ruby, because it is shiny for its own great light, and it is smooth and reddish by its gloss and colour.
Mars is like a piece of live coal, whose core radiates hidden power of fire.
Astrologers claim, and it is proven by experience, that this warm power is wild and ardent.
To Venus, we attribute the electrum with smooth, gold yellow surface of extraordinary saffron shine, thus it gives more wet than warmth, and its characteristic seems to be a soft body.
Mercury is like sapphire, because it is saturated by pungency of its rays. As it has more light of its own than reflected, in its nature the warmth prevails over wet.
31 Regarding the wet quality of planets and the quantity of borrowed light, it is necessary to take into consideration their conjunction and opposition. Saturn, which opposes the Sun on May 11 and conjuncts the Sun on November 18,
in both positions, Saturn will at maximum put into effect the wet power, which is given to it, because it shows us its full face enlightened by the Sun. This wet power will be at its minimum on February 11 and August 09, during the square.
02/10/1602 15:56:55 Saturn in SCO 21 46 36 sq Sun in AQU 08/08/1602 20:03:59 Saturn in SCO 15 45 05 sq Sun in LEO
Similarly, Jupiter opposes the Sun on April 8, and conjuncts it on October 26
04/07/1602 10:42:54 Jupiter in LIB 17 17 12 opp Sun in ARI 10/26/1602 07:20:37 Jupiter in SCO 02 37 38 con Sun
and gradually then in squares, on January 8 and July 6.
01/11/1602 12:05:28 Jupiter in LIB 21 10 32 sq Sun in CAP 07/05/1602 21:19:07 Jupiter in LIB 13 17 37 sq Sun in CAN
Venus has a different effect, and so has also Mercury. From May 15, Venus is connected with the Sun from above, or it is in upper conjunction,
05/14/1602 05:35:18 Venus in TAU 22 58 27 con Sun
its wet power being the strongest in upper conjunction, later it weakens and next year Venus is in lower conjunction with the Sun (the wet power is at minimum).
Example of upper and lower conjunction of Venus and SunSimilarly, the wet of Mercury is weak when it follows the Sun from below and faces up with its whole face enlightened by the Sun, which occurs on January 4, April 30, August 29 and December 19,
Sun and Mercury´s wet is at maximum when it follows the Sun from above and faces down with its whole face enlightened by the Sun, which occurs on March 9, June 27 and October 19.
32 As there is the possibility of existence of the own light and warmth of a planet, the doubt emerges if the own light of planets prevails over the reflected one, or otherwise. The former is supported by astrologers, the latter by physicists.
The consensus is, the bigger is the angle of observation of the inner planet, the bigger is its warm power, because we see that it acts like this. But, the outer planets cause of warm power is different.
Kepler states that inner planets, or Mercury and Venus, have the most of the warm power during the biggest elongation.
Maximum elongations of Mercury
33 Regarding the warm and wet forces, we should consider the sign of the zodiac of the planet.
The planets, as well as the Moon, have the strongest influence in Cancer, because they are over the Earth for longest time (northern hemisphere) for the reason which was stated on the beginning, when we have dealt with the Sun.
Thus, they have more power, when they are in northern part (northern declination). In other words, at Full Moon the winter is wetter than the summer (because in winter the Sun is in Capricorn, thus the Full Moon is in Cancer).
In northern parts, this year the powers of Saturn, Jupiter and even of Mars mentioned above will be weak in the end of the year, because they will be situated in southern signs of the zodiac; but, this means that in southern parts of Earth they will be stronger.
Saturn is in Scorpio, Jupiter – in the beginning of the year – in Libra and then on October 14 it enters Scorpio, Mars on July 4 passes from Virgo to Libra, on August 23 to Scorpio, on October 16 to Sagittarius, on November 16 to Capricorn and on December 24 to Aquarius .
34 Everything which has slow motion has more effect.
- This is why a stationarity body has such a great impact, especially when it occurs in apogee.
Mercury, when in stationary position, has the biggest effect of all planets, for being the fastest one, it also loses the most speed.
On the other side, Saturn when stationary has the smallest effect as it loses minimum of speed when it stops.
The stationary position of Mercury causes wind, snow or rain and usually dense fogs.
Those we can expect on about January 17, April 20, May 12, August 15, September 6 and December 9 and 31.
But, the unclear movement of Mercury, which for now is impossible to be calculated exactly, does not allow to indicate exact dates in calendar.
Mercury is in stationary position on January 16, April 19, May 13, August 21, September 13, December 10 and 30.