The Moon and Warm and Wet Forces

4 minutes • 783 words
15 The Moon stands for another physical causes for prediction.
All things swell, grow and increase their humidity, when the Moon waxes
They calm down, bate, get dry and quiet when the Moon wanes.
This is the cause of many changes of decisions and predictions in economics, agriculture, medicine and navigation.
Physicists admit that the reason of this influence is not precisely known yet.
16 Thus, the action of the Moon is twofold.
Each month occurs that one which I already mentioned, the other refers to the ebb and flow of the sea, which I will mention below.
17 So, each day when we find new moon in the calendar, the moisture, swelling and everything what depends on the Moon will decrease, while during the Full Moon all that will increase.
But, as previously mentioned, the moon quarters do influence this occurence also very strongly.
This is simple and purely astrological technique of prediction, which could help to the astrologer to widen the limits of his or her profession and could become to work as a farmer, a physicist, a chemist etc.
18 For chemists, I say that the Full Moon is not favourable for melting of metals, because the air is too moist.
If this is so, then this will lead to many possibilities for experiments for their work.
19 The third physical cause for prediction is the multifarious nature of other planets, which is revealed by their colours.
Here, we would go wrong, if we would divide 4 conventional qualities between planets.
Vital conditions, which are inherent with light, are not good for cold and dryness, because cold and dryness are at their maximum where there is no light, no life and no warm at all.
Thus, like nothing else comes to us from above but the light of the stars, like – for sure – neither cold nor dryness do not descend just per se.
20 Aristotle’s method of derivation of various effects of the quantities and strenghths of the planets stands for 4 elements from 4 qualities.
Our derivation slightly differs from that of Aristotle.
All alternates and transformations are based upon antagonism.
The first transformation is based on the first contradiction, and so on.
Aristotle in his Metaphysics tried to philosophize on higher and more universal levels than the geometry.
- He has accepted as the first existing contradiction the one between “the same” and “the other”.
For me, the variety of things is formed merely by the matter, or by the affairs which result from it.
- Where there is matter, there is geometry or “Ubi materia ibi geometria”.
Thus, that what Aristotle calls the first contradiction, does not include any middle element between „the same“ and „the other“;
I find the philosophically conceived geometry a real first contradiction, but with the middle element.
Means that while Aristotle has „the other“ as one term, we change it to „more“ or „less“, which means two terms.
And because geometry offered the pattern for the creation of the whole world, geometrical contradictions or antagonisms harmonize with the layout of the world, which depends on various forces of the planets.
21 But, regarding that those terms – the same, the other, concurrent, more, less – do not mean anything per se, one has to think about the subjects themselves.
Subjects or natural things, which are treated in following statements, derive from:
The wisest Creator designated and created the world by himself.
Before creation of beings, He created the matter, which we know from Moses as water, which is wet, pliant and flexible.
So, here there is one natural thing, and it is the wet force.
But, it was not enough for the Creator, so He did the life and motion, to make the world to His likeness.
So, here we have another natural thing, and it is life (or warm force).
The forces of the stars have effect downwards to lower worlds. What kind of influence comes to us from the stars?
It is neither the matter, nor the body itself.
Nor the life itself in its primary likeness, because it is present in all living creatures by the agency of the soul, which is inherent in them.
This means that the stars do not create, but support.
- Thus, the stars are tools
- They act as mediators.
They transfer to us 2 supportive qualities.
- wet force
- This implies manageability of the matter
- This is provided by reflected light
- warm force*
- This supports life and motion
- This is provided by direct, straight light
Superphysics Note
These forces affect us through the light which falls to us unceasingly from the planets.