The Universal Problem of Pure Reason
2 minutes • 339 words
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6. The Universal Problem of Pure Reason
The proper problem of pure reason is: “How are active-connective-thinking judgements within-the-mind possible?”
This great problem is why metaphysics has been in uncertainty and contradiction*.
Superphysics Note
The rise or fall of Metaphysics depends on solving or not solving this problem.*
Superphysics Note
David Hume came the nearest of all to this problem.
- But he was not precise nor universal.
He stopped short at the active-connective-thinking proposition of cause and effect by insisting that that was impossible within-the-mind.
It follows that Metaphysics is a mere delusion.*
- It arises from the fancied insight of reason into that which is sense-based.
Superphysics Note
This destroys all pure philosophy.
But I am different because I focus on imposition [of within-the-mind ideas onto reality].
- This is proven by pure mathematics, something that Hume did not think of.
I aim to use pure mental abstractions as the foundation for the construction of all sciences which contain theoretical within-the-mind knowledge of objects.
How is pure [abstract] mathematical science possible?
How is pure [abstract] natural science possible?
How, from the nature of universal human reason, do those questions arise which pure reason proposes to itself, and which it is impelled by its own feeling of need to answer as well as it can?
Questions such as “did the world have a beginning? or has existed from eternity?” have been answered with contradictions.
We must not stick with metaphysics for this.
But how is metaphysics possible as a science?
Thus, the critique of reason leads naturally and necessarily to science.