Superphysics Superphysics
Chapter 8

The Seven Powers of Wrath

2 minutes  • 264 words

10 Desire said:

I did not see you descending, but now I see you ascending. Why do you lie since you belong to me?
11 I saw you. You did not see me nor recognize me. I served you as a garment and you did not know me.

12 Then the soul went away rejoicing greatly.

13 The soul met the third power called ignorance.

14 Where are you going? In wickedness are you bound. But you are bound; do not judge!

15 Why do you judge me, even if I have not judged?

16 I was bound, though I have not bound.

17 I was not recognized. But I have recognized that the All is being dissolved, both the earthly things and the heavenly.

18 When the soul had overcome Ignorance, it went upwards and saw the fourth power, which took 7 forms.

19 The 7 powers of wrath are:

  1. Darkness
  2. Desire
  3. Ignorance
  4. The excitement of death
  5. The kingdom of the flesh
  6. The foolish wisdom of flesh
  7. Wrathful wisdom
Where do you come from, slayer of men? Where are you going, conqueror of space?

21 What binds me has been slain, and what turns me about has been overcome. 22 My desire has been ended, and ignorance has died.

23 In a aeon I was released from a world, and in a Type from a type, and from the fetter of oblivion which is transient.

24 From this time on will I attain to the rest of the time, of the season, of the aeon, in silence.

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