Mary Speaks
2 minutes • 261 words
1 But they were grieved. They wept greatly, saying:
How shall we go to the Gentiles and preach the gospel of the Kingdom of the Son of Man? If they did not spare Him, how will they spare us?
2 Then Mary stood up, greeted them all, and said:
Do not weep. Do not grieve nor be irresolute. His grace will be entirely with you and will protect you.
3 But rather, let us praise His greatness, for He has prepared us and made us into Men.
4 When Mary said this, she turned their hearts to the Good. They began to discuss the words of the Savior.
[To Mary] 5 Sister we know that the Savior loved you more than the rest of woman.
6 Tell us the words of the Savior which you remember, but we do not, nor have we heard them.
7 What is hidden from you I will proclaim to you.
8 I saw the Lord in a vision and I said to Him, Lord I saw you today in a vision. He answered and said to me
9 Blessed are you who you did not waver at the sight of Me. For where the mind is there is the treasure.
10 Lord, how does he who sees the vision see it, through the soul or through the spirit?
11 He does not see through the soul nor through the spirit, but the mind that is between the two that is what sees the vision and it is […]