Countries and Cities
Countries, cities and sedentary civilization
Part 1
Monuments and Infrastructure →

Part 3
Only a strong royal authority is able to construct large cities and high monuments →

Part 5
City-planning and the Neglecting of It →

Part 6
The History of the Ka'bah →

Part 7
Islamic Infrastructure →

Part 11
The wealth and economic activity between cities depend on their population size →

Part 12
The Prices in Towns →

Part 14
Differences in Prosperity and Poverty Are The Same In Rural As In Urban →

Part 15
Capital Accumulation →

Part 17
Sedentary Culture in Cities Comes From the Dynasties →

Part 18
Sedentary culture is the goal of civilization →

Part 18
Cities that are the seats of royal authority fall into ruins when the ruling dynasty collapses →