Epilogue: From Struggle to Success

5 minutes • 882 words
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One undertakes such a struggle when there is a possibility of success.
The moment a besieged fortress is taken by assault there is no practical alternative left to the defenders except to surrender, if instead of probable death they are assured that their lives will be spared.
Let the garrison of a citadel which has been completely encircled by the enemy once lose all hope of being delivered by their friends, then the strength of the defence collapses totally.
That is why passive resistance in the Ruhr had no practical meaning unless an active front had been organized to support it.
Then one might have demanded immense efforts from our people.
If each of these Westphalians in the Ruhr could have been assured that the home country had mobilized an army of eighty or a hundred divisions to support them, the French would have found themselves treading on thorns. Surely a greater number of courageous men could be found to sacrifice themselves for a successful enterprise than for an enterprise that was manifestly futile.
This was the classic occasion that induced us National Socialists to take up a resolute stand against the so-called national word of command. And that is what we did.
During those months I was attacked by people whose patriotism was a mixture of stupidity and humbug and who took part in the general hue and cry because of the pleasant sensation they felt at being suddenly enabled to show themselves as nationalists, without running any danger thereby. In my estimation, this despicable ‘united front’ was one of the most ridiculous things that could be imagined.
Events proved that I was right.
As soon as the Trades Unions had nearly filled their treasuries with Cuno’s contributions, and the moment had come when it would be necessary to transform the passive resistance from a mere inert defence into active aggression, the Red hyenas suddenly broke out of the national sheepfold and returned to be what they always had been. Without sounding any drums or trumpets, Herr Cuno returned to his ships.
Germany was richer by one experience and poorer by the loss of one great hope.
Up to midsummer of that year, several brave officers had not really believed that things could become so humiliating.
They had all hoped that–if not openly, then at least secretly–the necessary measures would be taken to make this insolent French invasion a turning-point in German history.
In our ranks also there were many who counted at least on the intervention of the REICHSWEHR.
But when the disgraceful collapse set in and the most humiliating kind of capitulation was made, indignation against such a betrayal of our unhappy country broke out into a blaze.
Millions of German money had been spent in vain and thousands of young Germans had been sacrificed.
Millions now became convinced that Germany could be saved only if the whole prevailing system were destroyed root and branch.
- On one side, high treason had been committed against the country, openly and shamelessly.
- On the other side a nation found itself delivered over to die slowly of hunger.
In the face of the great misfortune which has befallen our fatherland and affects all us, I must abstain from offending and perhaps disuniting those men who must at some future date form one great united front which will be made up of true and loyal Germans and which will have to withstand the common front presented by the enemy of our people.
I have dedicated:
- volume 1 of this book to our 18 fallen heroes.
- volume 2 to the Dietrich Eckart and the adherents and champions of our ideals
On November 9, 1923, 4.5 years after its foundation, the German National Socialist Labour Party was dissolved and forbidden throughout the whole of the REICH.
Today, in November 1926, it is again established throughout the REICH, enjoying full liberty, stronger and internally more compact than ever before.
All persecutions of the Movement and the individuals at its head, all the imputations and calumnies, have not been able to prevail against it. Thanks to the justice of its ideas, the integrity of its intentions and the spirit of self-denial that animates its members, it has overcome all oppression and increased its strength through the ordeal.
If, in our contemporary world of parliamentary corruption, our Movement remains always conscious of the profound nature of its struggle and feels that it personifies the values of individual personality and race, and orders its action accordingly–then it may count with mathematical certainty on achieving victory some day in the future.
Germany must necessarily win the position which belongs to it on this Earth if it is led and organized according to these principles.
A State which, in an epoch of racial adulteration, devotes itself to the duty of preserving the best elements of its racial stock must one day become ruler of the Earth.
The adherents of our Movements must always remember this, whenever they may have misgivings lest the greatness of the sacrifices demanded of them may not be justified by the possibilities of success.