The Fundamental Principle of the State
6 minutes • 1220 words
All those opinions have the common error of not recognizing that:
- the racial element is the basis for creating cultural values
- the State’s paramount purpose is to preserve and improve the race
This is an indispensable condition of all progress in human civilization.
Thus the Jew, Karl Marx, was able to draw the final conclusions from these false concepts and ideas on the nature and purpose of the State.
The bourgeois teaching eliminated from the concept of the State all obligation to race, without finding any other universally acceptable formula.
This led to the doctrine which rejects the State as such.
That is why the bourgeois struggle against Marxist internationalism is absolutely doomed to fail.
The bourgeois classes have already sacrificed the basic principles which alone could furnish a solid footing for their ideas.
The Marxist has perceived the defects in their structure. He assaults it with those weapons which the bourgeois classes themselves have placed in his hands without knowing it.
Therefore any new movement which is based on the racial concept will first have to put forward a clear and logical doctrine of the State’s nature and purpose.
The fundamental principle is that the State is not an end in itself, but the means to an end.
It is the preliminary condition under which alone a higher form of human civilization can be developed, but it is not the source of such a development.
This development is to be sought exclusively in the race which has the gift of cultural creativeness.
There may be hundreds of excellent States on this earth. But the Aryan is the creator and custodian of civilization. If the Aryans disappear, all culture that is on a level with the spiritual needs of the superior nations today would also disappear.
States have been created by human beings so that the human race may not become extinct by the disappearance of the race that has superior intellectual faculties and powers.
If, for instance, a new Himalayas emerge from the waves of the sea, this one catastrophe might annihilate all human civilizations. No State could exist any longer.
But if after such a terrible havoc, a few people of the race that had powers to build up a civilization survived, then the earth would again experience civilization.
Many varieties of prehistoric animals had to give way to others and leave no trace behind.
Likewise, man will also have to give way if he loses that faculty to find the weapons necessary to maintain his own existence.
It is not the State as such that brings about a certain definite advance in cultural progress. The State can only protect the race that is the cause of such progress.
The State as such may well exist without undergoing any change for hundreds of years, though the cultural faculties and the general life of the people, which is shaped by these faculties, may have suffered profound changes by reason of the fact that the State did not prevent a process of racial mixture from taking place. The present State, for instance, may continue to exist in a mere mechanical form, but the poison of miscegenation permeating the national body brings about a cultural decadence which manifests itself already in various symptoms that are of a detrimental character.
Thus the indispensable prerequisite for the existence of a superior quality of human beings is not the State but the race, which is alone capable of producing that higher human quality.
This capacity is always there, though it will lie dormant unless external circumstances awaken it to action. Nations, or rather races, which are endowed with the faculty of cultural creativeness possess this faculty in a latent form during periods when the external circumstances are unfavourable for the time being and therefore do not allow the faculty to express itself effectively.
It is therefore outrageously unjust to speak of the pre-Christian Germans as barbarians who had no civilization. They never have been such. But the severity of the climate that prevailed in the northern regions which they inhabited imposed conditions of life which hampered a free development of their creative faculties. If they had come to the fairer climate of the South, with no previous culture whatsoever, and if they acquired the necessary human material–that is to say, men of an inferior race–to serve them as working implements, the cultural faculty dormant in them would have splendidly blossomed forth, as happened in the case of the Greeks, for example. But this primordial creative faculty in cultural things was not solely due to their northern climate. For the Laplanders or the Eskimos would not have become creators of a culture if they were transplanted to the South. No, this wonderful creative faculty is a special gift bestowed on the Aryan, whether it lies dormant in him or becomes active, according as the adverse conditions of nature prevent the active expression of that faculty or favourable circumstances permit it.
From these facts the following conclusions may be drawn:
The State is only a means to an end. Its end and its purpose is to preserve and promote a community of human beings who are physically as well as spiritually kindred. Above all, it must preserve the existence of the race, thereby providing the indispensable condition for the free development of all the forces dormant in this race. A great part of these faculties will always have to be employed in the first place to maintain the physical existence of the race, and only a small portion will be free to work in the field of intellectual progress. But, as a matter of fact, the one is always the necessary counterpart of the other.
Those States which do not serve this purpose have no justification for their existence. They are monstrosities. The fact that they do exist is no more of a justification than the successful raids carried out by a band of pirates can be considered a justification of piracy.
We National Socialists, who are fighting for a new WELTANSCHAUUNG, must never take our stand on the famous ‘basis of facts’, and especially not on mistaken facts. If we did so, we should cease to be the protagonists of a new and great idea and would become slaves in the service of the fallacy which is dominant to-day. We must make a clear-cut distinction between the vessel and its contents. The State is only the vessel and the race is what it contains. The vessel can have a meaning only if it preserves and safeguards the contents. Otherwise it is worthless.
Hence the supreme purpose of the ethnical State is to guard and preserve those racial elements which, through their work in the cultural field, create that beauty and dignity which are characteristic of a higher mankind. As Aryans, we can consider the State only as the living organism of a people, an organism which does not merely maintain the existence of a people, but functions in such a way as to lead its people to a position of supreme liberty by the progressive development of the intellectual and cultural faculties.
What they want to impose upon us as a State to-day is in most cases nothing but a monstrosity, the product of a profound human aberration which brings untold suffering in its train.