The Restoration of Germany

4 minutes • 767 words
The restoration of Germany is a question of reawakening the will to political self-preservation.
It will not be enough to win over those elements that are already national-minded.
The antinational masses must be converted to believe in the national ideals.
A young movement that aims at re-establishing a German State with full sovereign powers will therefore have to make the task of winning over the broad masses a special objective of its plan of campaign.
Our so-called ’national bourgeoisie’ are so lamentably supine, generally speaking, and their national spirit appears so feckless, that we may feel sure they will offer no serious resistance against a vigorous national foreign–or domestic policy.
Even though the narrow-minded German bourgeoisie should keep up a passive resistance when the hour of deliverance is at hand, as they did in Bismarck’s time, we shall never have to fear any active resistance on their part, because of their recognized proverbial cowardice.
It is quite different with the masses of our population, who are imbued with ideas of internationalism. Through the primitive roughness of their natures they are disposed to accept the preaching of violence, while at the same time their Jewish leaders are more brutal and ruthless.
They will crush any attempt at a German revival, just as they smashed the German Army by striking at it from the rear. Above all, these organized masses will use their numerical majority in this Parliamentarian State not only to hinder any national foreign policy, but also to prevent Germany from restoring her political power and therewith her prestige abroad.
Thus she becomes excluded from the ranks of desirable allies.
For it is not we ourselves alone who are aware of the handicap that results from the existence of fifteen million Marxists, democrats, pacifists and followers of the Centre, in our midst, but foreign nations also recognize this internal burden which we have to bear and take it into their calculations when estimating the value of a possible alliance with us.
Nobody would wish to form an alliance with a State where the active portion of the population is at least passively opposed to any resolute foreign policy.
The situation is made still worse by reason of the fact that the leaders of those parties which were responsible for the national betrayal are ready to oppose any and every attempt at a revival, simply because they want to retain the positions they now hold.
According to the laws that govern human history it is inconceivable that the German people could resume the place they formerly held without retaliating on those who were both cause and occasion of the collapse that involved the ruin of our State.
Before the judgment seat of posterity November 1918 will not be regarded as a simple rebellion but as high treason against the country.
Therefore it is not possible to think of re-establishing German sovereignty and political independence without at the same time reconstructing a united front within the nation, by a peaceful conversion of the popular will.
Germany would be robbed of its irreplaceable assets by a national defence in which only the intellectual circles were engaged.
The struggle itself could not be waged if the working masses did not join the storm battalions. The necessary technical preparations could not be made without a unified will and a common front within the nation itself.
Because of the Versailles Peace Treaty, Germany has to exist disarmed under a thousand eyes.
We cannot make any technical preparations for the recovery of its freedom and human independence until that whole army of foreign spies is cut down to those few who would switch sides for the proverbial thirty pieces of silver.
But we can deal with such people.
The insurmountable obstacle is the millions who are opposed to every kind of national revival because of international Marxism.
From whatever point of view we may examine the possibility of recovering our independence as a State and a people, whether we consider the problem from the standpoint of technical rearmament or from that of the actual struggle itself, the necessary pre-requisite always remains the same.
This pre-requisite is that the broad masses of the people must first be won over to accept the principle of our national independence.
No cultural progress can be made by the German nation, because such progress is too much bound up with the political independence and dignity of a people.
Therefore, only by winning over the broad masses to support the national idea can we solve Germany’s future. This work of education must be considered the highest and most important task.