The Earth as a Magnet
On the magnet, magnetick bodies also, and on the great magnet the earth: a new physiology, demonstrated by many arguments & experiments
Chapter 1
The Earth as a great magnet →

Chapter 2
The Magnetick axis of the Earth persists invariable →

Chapter 3
The magnetick diurnal revolution of the Earth's globe →

Chapter 4
The Earth moves circularly →

Chapter 5
Arguments of those denying the Earth's motion, and their confutation →

Chapter 6
The cause of the definite time, of an entire rotation of the Earth →

Chapter 7
The primary magnetick nature of the Earth, whereby its poles are parted from the poles of the Ecliptick →

Chapter 8
The Præcession of the Æquinoxes, from the magnetick motion of the Earth's poles →

Chapter 9
The anomaly of the Præcession of the Equinoxes, and of the obliquity of the Zodiack →