Superphysics Superphysics

The Loadstone (Natural Magnet)

On the magnet, magnetick bodies also, and on the great magnet the earth: a new physiology, demonstrated by many arguments & experiments
Movements take place by the Magnetical Vigour though solid bodies lie between; and on the interposition of iron plates
Chapter 16
Movements take place by the Magnetical Vigour though solid bodies lie between; and on the interposition of iron plates →
The Iron Cap of a Loadstone, with which it is armed at the pole (for the sake of the virtue) and on the efficacy of the same
Chapter 17
The Iron Cap of a Loadstone, with which it is armed at the pole (for the sake of the virtue) and on the efficacy of the same →
An armed Loadstone does not endow an excited piece of Iron with greater vigour than an unarmed
Chapters 18-21
An armed Loadstone does not endow an excited piece of Iron with greater vigour than an unarmed →
Magneticks in conjunction make one magnetick
Chapter 22
Magneticks in conjunction make one magnetick →
Magnetick Force causes motion towards unity, and binds firmly together bodies which are united
Chapter 23
Magnetick Force causes motion towards unity, and binds firmly together bodies which are united →
Exaltation of the power of the Magnet
Chapter 25
Exaltation of the power of the Magnet →
Why there should appear to be a greater love between iron and loadstone, than between loadstone and loadstone, or between iron and iron, when close to the loadstone, within its orbe of virtue
Chapter 26
Why there should appear to be a greater love between iron and loadstone, than between loadstone and loadstone, or between iron and iron, when close to the loadstone, within its orbe of virtue →
The Centre of the Magnetick Virtues in the earth is the centre of the earth; and in a terrella is the centre of the stone
Chapter 27
The Centre of the Magnetick Virtues in the earth is the centre of the earth; and in a terrella is the centre of the stone →
Variety of Strength due to Quantity or Mass
Chapter 29
Variety of Strength due to Quantity or Mass →
Certain Problems and Magnetick Experiments about the Coition, and Separation, and regular Motion of bodies magnetical
Chapter 32
Certain Problems and Magnetick Experiments about the Coition, and Separation, and regular Motion of bodies magnetical →
The Varying Ratio of Strength, and of the Motion of coition, within the orbe of virtue
Chapter 33
The Varying Ratio of Strength, and of the Motion of coition, within the orbe of virtue →
Why a Loadstone should be stronger in its poles in a different ratio; as well in the Northern regions as in the Southern
Chapter 34
Why a Loadstone should be stronger in its poles in a different ratio; as well in the Northern regions as in the Southern →