The Predatory Economy and the Meat Diet
7 minutes • 1463 words
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The Adoption of a Meat Diet Improved Humans
The ape gradually changed into that of man through 2 essential stimuli:
- Labor
- Speech
These influenced the brain. Labour is is far larger and more perfect than speech.
Together with the brain development came sensory development.
The gradual development of speech is inevitably accompanied by a refinement in hearing
- Likewise, brain development is accompanied by a refinement of all the senses.
The eagle sees much farther than man. But the human eye discerns considerably more in things than the eagle’s eye.
The dog has a keener sense of smell than man, but it does not distinguish a hundredth part of the smells that men use to denote things.
The ape hardly possesses the sense of touch. But humans have developed a sense of touch from through development of the human hand itself, through the medium of labour.
Labour developed speech, the brain and its attendant senses. It increased:
- the clarity of consciousness
- power of abstraction and of conclusion
These then gave both labour and speech an ever-renewed impulse to further development.
This development did end when man became distinct from the ape. Instead, it continued. Its degree and direction varying among different peoples and at different times.
Hundreds of thousands of years is of no greater significance in Earth’s history than one second in the life of man*.
*Engels note: A leading authority in this respect, Sir William Thomson, has calculated that little more than 100 million years could have elapsed since the time when the earth had cooled sufficiently for plants and animals to be able to live on it.
The ape herd undertook migrations and struggles to win new feeding grounds. But it was incapable of extracting from them more than they offered in their natural state.
As soon as all feeding grounds were occupied, the ape population could no longer increase.
All animals:
- waste a lot of food
- destroy in the germ the next generation of the food supply.
Unlike the hunter, the wolf does not spare the doe which would provide it with a new deer next year.
The goats in Greece eat away the young bushes before they grow to maturity.
This “predatory economy” of animals forces animals to adapt to survive. The unadapted ones die out.
This predatory economy contributed powerfully to the transition of our ancestors from ape to man.
Among humans, this predatory economy must have led to a continual increase in the plants used for food.
In short, food became more and more varied. This caused a variety in the chemical substances entering men’s bodies. These substances led to the transition to modern man.
Labour begins with the making of tools such as hunting and fishing implements.
Hunting and fishing presuppose the transition from an exclusively vegetable diet to the use of meat.
A meat diet has the most essential ingredients required by the organism for its metabolism.
- It shortens the time required for digestion, it also shortened the other vegetative bodily processes that correspond to those of plant life, and thus gained further time, material and desire for the active manifestation of animal life proper.
The farther man moved away from vegetables, the higher he rose above the animal.
Wild cats and dogs became domesticated by being used to a vegetable diet side by side with meat.
Likewise, the human adaptation to a meat diet, side by side with a vegetable diet, greatly contributed towards giving men bodily strength and independence.
The meat diet had its greatest effect on the brain, which now received a far richer flow of the materials necessary for its nourishment and development. This allowed it to develop more rapidly and perfectly from generation to generation.
With all due respect to the vegetarians, man did not come into existence without a meat diet.
Some peoples might have been cannibals, such as:
- the Berliners
- the Weletabians or Wilzians
These used to eat their parents as late as the 10th century. But this is of no consequence to us today.
The meat diet led to 2 new important advances:
- The harnessing of fire
This shortened the digestive process, as it provided the mouth with food already half-digested.
- The domestication of animals.
This made meat more copious by opening up a new, more regular source of supply in addition to hunting, and moreover provided, in milk and its products, a new article of food at least as valuable as meat in its composition.
Thus both these advances were, in themselves, new means for the emancipation of man.
It would lead us too far afield to dwell here in detail on their indirect effects notwithstanding the great importance they have had for the development of man and society.
Just as man learned to consume everything edible, he also learned to live in any climate. He spread over the whole of the habitable world, being the only animal fully able to do so of its own accord.
The other animals that have become accustomed to all climates – domestic animals and vermin – did not become so independently, but only in the wake of man.
The transition from the uniformly hot climate of the original home of man to colder regions, where the year was divided into summer and winter, created new requirements – shelter and clothing as protection against cold and damp, and hence new spheres of labour, new forms of activity, which further and further separated man from the animal.
By the individual and collective functioning of hand, speech organs and brain, men became capable of:
- executing more and more complicated operations
- achieving higher and higher aims
The work of each generation itself became different, more perfect and more diversified.
Agriculture was added to hunting and cattle raising. Then came spinning, weaving, metalworking, pottery and navigation.
Along with trade and industry, art and science finally appeared. Tribes developed into nations and states.
Law and politics arose, and with them that fantastic reflection of human things in the human mind – religion.
All these appeared to be products of the mind. These seemed to dominate human societies.
Amidst all these, the more modest productions of the working hand retreated into the background.
This was because the mind could use the labour of others.
All merit for the swift advance of civilisation was ascribed to the mind, to the development and activity of the brain.
Men became accustomed to explain their actions as arising out of thought instead of their needs (which in any case are reflected and perceived in the mind).
In time, there emerged that idealistic world outlook which, especially since the fall of the world of antiquity, has dominated men’s minds.
It still rules them.
- This is why even the most materialistic natural scientists of the Darwinian school are still unable to form any clear idea of the origin of man.
- Under this ideological influence, they do not recognise the part that has been played therein by labour.
Animals change the environment by their activities in the same way, even if not to the same extent, as man does, and these changes, as we have seen, in turn react upon and change those who made them.
In nature nothing takes place in isolation.
Everything affects and is affected by every other thing, and it is mostly because this manifold motion and interaction is forgotten that our natural scientists are prevented from gaining a clear insight into the simplest things.
- Goats have prevented the regeneration of forests in Greece
- On the island of St. Helena, goats and pigs brought by the first arrivals have succeeded in exterminating its old vegetation almost completely, and so have prepared the ground for the spreading of plants brought by later sailors and colonists.
But animals exert a lasting effect on their environment unintentionally and, as far as the animals themselves are concerned, accidentally.
The further removed men are from animals, however, the more their effect on nature assumes the character of premeditated, planned action directed towards definite preconceived ends.
The animal destroys the vegetation of a locality without realising what it is doing. Man destroys it in order to sow field crops on the soil thus released, or to plant trees or vines which he knows will yield many times the amount planted.
He transfers useful plants and domestic animals from one country to another and thus changes the flora and fauna of whole continents. More than this. Through artificial breeding both plants and animals are so changed by the hand of man that they become unrecognisable.
The wild plants from which our grain varieties originated are still being sought in vain. There is still some dispute about the wild animals from which our very different breeds of dogs or our equally numerous breeds of horses are descended.