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Dr. Gustav Richter / Bozen: The Relativization Of The Spatial-Temporal Scale Can Only Be Determined With The Help Of An Absolute Scale
Einstein’s Relativity may play whatever role in science. Philosophically, it is either a banality or nonsense.
It is banal when given with consideration of the various judgments which make various observations about the temporal order or duration of certain events, take the skeptical standpoint, and claim that every observation is relative; is dependent on the accompanying circumstances and therefore no one can say with absolute certainty that his judgment is absolutely true.
This already results from the relativity of all movements.
However, it is nonsense to assert that we have to understand this relativity of the various possibilities of observation as the absolute, while our need to clarify what is contradicting each other and to establish a unified, logically correct worldview or at least to the possibility of such a unification believe should be thrown in the junk room as obsolete.
The relativist judges, if he is honest, as follows: I, too, strive for the unity of the world view, but I see this unity in the unity of the natural law i.e. in the problem-free functioning of the mathematical formulas found for this purpose or in the fact that the mathematical equations that have been set up work completely.
Since in truth they do not come up completely, but a remnant everywhere, even if only a small one remains, I am ready to sacrifice the unity of space and time to the unity of natural law, i.e. to blame the changes in space and time with the different spatial and temporal positions or with the movement of the observer for these deviations.
This is not illogical in and of itself. It is only nonsensical to conclude that the various measures of space and time are not relative but rather absolute, i.e. that they measure space and time absolutely correctly.
Because either this difference can be determined or not.
If it is not established, the theory would make no sense. But if you can test it, then one must also presuppose an absolute measure of space and time beyond the relative measures of space and time, with the help of which one can determine this difference.
And for the RTH this measure is the law of nature, the formula.
From the deviation of the place or the time of the event from this formula, according to the self-made assumption, the exact change in the measure of space and time compared to the absolute measure of space and time can be calculated.
So even if the spatial and temporal conditions change depending on the place and (speed, we can determine the changes and calculate with a measure that is independent of place and speed. And construct with the help of this measure
We have an absolute space and an absolute time, since we cannot do violence to our need for a unified world order. Whoever does not admit this has not thought through the relativistic idea to the end.